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Cuvinte-cheie "Vasile Luha"

Probleme practice privind acordarea despăgubirilor pentru exproprierea terenurilor aparținând composesoratelor

Autor: Vasile LUHA

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 3/2020

Disponibil onlineaici

Cuvinte-cheie: coproprietate, patrimoniu funciar, asocieri funciare.

Practical problems regarding the granting of compensations for the expropriation of lands belonging to the composessorates

Abstract: The author, in search of legal solutions for granting compensation in the matter of expropriations, summarizes – with developments and historical explanations – the current legal issue of land associations. He noted that the successive regulations – Hungarian, Austrian or Romanian – of the last 170 years – which had in mind a legal institution with old Hungarian feudal origins – have not yet clarified, accurately, the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 156

Întrebări și probleme practice privind cadrul legal de evaluare a culpei profesionale

Autor: Vasile LUHA

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2021

Disponibil onlineaici

Cuvinte-cheie: răspundere legală, culpă profesională, standarde de comportament.

Questions and practical issues regarding the legal framework for assessing professional misconduct

Abstract: The material, in the field of fixing professional misconduct, suggests a methodology applicable in all situations where prohibited behaviors are not fixed by rules, being described only at the main level. In a legal liability report, the crime is the defining element: the objective element: any subjective assessment – predictive – cannot be determined if the expected standard of behavior is not known from the beginning. When the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 208