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Cuvinte-cheie "traficul și consumul ilicit de droguri"

Probleme de teorie și practică judiciară în legătură cu traficul și consumul ilicit de droguri

Autor: Ruxandra RĂDUCANU

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 2/2019

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Problems of judicial theory and practice in relation to illegal drug
trafficking and consumption

Abstract: The regulation of offences involving drug trafficking and other illicit drug operations required a thorough presentation in the material element of the incrimination of all possibilities and actions related to the commission of the act, so as to cover the entire scope of the ways of committing these offences. The enumeration, in the constitutive content of the drug trafficking offence, of the multiple ways of committing the act raised the problem of the correct delimitation [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 303

Production and smuggling of synthetic narcotics by organized criminal groups in the Republic of Serbia

Autor: Nenad RADOVIĆ , Ilija RACIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2018

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Abstract: Production and smuggling of synthetic narcotics are ranked among the five most profitable businesses of today, dealing with highly organized criminal groups characterized by tightness, hierarchical and strict division of roles and activity in international frameworks. Production of synthetic narcotics in relation to other types of narcotics is not geographically limited since the process does not involve the extraction of active ingredients from plants which must be grown under certain natural conditions. Though any analysis of synthetic narcotics in the market complicates the situation [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 143