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Cuvinte-cheie "SUBB Iurisprudentia"

Personal and material evidences in criminal procedure, with particular attention to road traffic crashes

Autor: Árpád Budaházi

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: Lawfully collected and credible evidences are indispensable in judging criminal
cases by the court, whether to establish criminal liability of the defendant, to decide over acquittance
or to eventually terminate the procedure. Courts may refer to five means of criminal evidence (the
testimony of the witness, the expert opinion, physical evidence, documents and pleadings of the
defendant) in Hungary, out of which three means shall be considered as personal evidences (the
testimony of the witness, the expert opinion, the pleadings of the defendant), while the remaining
two result in material evidences (physical [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 152

Regimul juridic al probelor din auzite în legislația Statelor Unite ale Americii. Propuneri de lege ferenda privind reglementarea probelor din auzite în dreptul procesual penal român

Autor: Hunor Kádár

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 4/2014

Disponibil onlineaici.

Cuvinte-cheie: declaraţii extrajudiciare; Regula Probelor din Auzite; Regulile Federale de
Admisibilitate a Probelor; Excepţii de la Regula Probelor din Auzite; Clauza de Confruntare.

The legal system of hearsay evidence in the legislation of the United States of
America. Legal proposals for the regulation of hearsay evidence in the Romanian Code of
Criminal Procedure

Abstract:  In the present paper the author undertakes a detailed analysis of the Hearsay Rule, an uncommon legal procedure in the continental legal systems, but which benefits from a very rigorous and well elaborated corpus of regulations under the Federal Rules of [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 279

Rezultate, standarde și reguli în expertiza criminalistică. Ce și cum?

Autor: Sorin Alămoreanu

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2015

Disponibil onlineaici.

Cuvinte-cheie: expertize criminalistice; sistem de drept; standarde ISO CEI; criteriu de validitate.

Results, standards, rules in forensic expertises. What and how?

Abstract: The article takes a critical view over the situation of validity criteria of the Forensic expertise under the Romanian Legal System. There is also reference to other legal systems and their specific way of judging upon the validation of Forensic examinations. The author agrees to Karl Popper’s opinio non the falsification theories and analisys of the US experience and regulation, concluding with some personal opinions.

Keywords: forensic expertises; Legal system; ISO CEI Standards; [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 215

Prezentare de caz. Examinarea scrisului executat în condiții neobișnuite

Autor: Victoria Cataraga

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Case report. Examination of handwritting in unusual conditions

Abstract: Determination of the manuscript executor has an major importance in judicial process. When writing is made up in unusual conditions, it causes impediments in the research process, but strict compliance to the principles of conducting forensic allow to solve successfully the problem.

Keywords: handwriting examination; unusual signature; forensic identification; determination of
the author; expertise.…

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 174

Posibilități de determinare a timpului de executare a documentului prin metode tradiționale

Autor: Piotr Petcovici

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Possibilities for determining the time of execution documents ussing traditional

Abstract: For each particular expertise it is necessary to find a specific algorithm, depending on the
specific characteristics forensic clues circumstances of the case

Keywords: handwriting examination; forensic identification; contested documents; time of execution.…

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 190

Cercetarea materialelor documentelor. Sarcini și metode de cercetare a materialelor documentelor cu scopul determinării timpului creării documentelor

Autor: Alina Zadorojniuc

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Materials research document. Tasks and methods of research on materials of documents with of determining time of created

Abstract: The determination of time in execution of documents is an important parameter in determining the authenticity of documents. In present work are presented several methods of documents dating written with different writing materials, which involves determination of different parameters, which may change over time: reaction speed; solubility; concentrations of volatile substances, etc.

Keywords: documents; issuing; forensic determination.…

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 176

Accident rutier sau omor? Interpretarea criminalistică a urmelor. Studiu de caz

Autor: Bogdan Florescu, Dănuț Sibian

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Traffic accident or man slaughter? Forensic traces interpretation in a specific case

Abstract: During the year 2003, on the edge of a vilage in Caraş-Severin County, in the immediate vicinity of a national road, a violent event occurred, resulting in the death of the victim M.P. The original investigation – focused on a supposed traffic accident – was not confirmed, so a forensic examination of the traces was required to confirm or deny the implied version. The interpretation of the traces revealed the nature of the violence that led to the death [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 267

The problem of the investigation of computer criminality

Autor: Kornél Girhiny

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2015

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: As world changes, law enforcement forces have to face new challenges. One of these
new challenges is obviously the scope of crimes, committed in digital space. We frequently come across
with crimes, which neither have a scene, nor a witness, moreover, the personification of the delinquent is
most likely an IP address. It is very hard, almost impossible to proceed an investigation with the devices of the classical criminalistics, regarding the deficiencies of the above mentioned criteria, therefore, criminalistics has to be refreshed, and the paradigm change is inevitable. Although, the process [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 164

Testing procedure of the polygraph examination

Autor: Árpád Budaházi

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2015

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: There are several methods to examine the testimony, and the same applies to the
instrumental methods establishing the truth. The legislator shall only allow the use of the appropriate
methods and instruments seeking the truth. In Hungary the most common method for the instrumental
examination of the testimony is the polygraph, which provides relevant information for a criminal case.
It is conducted with the involvement of an advisor and allows the advisor to conclude, from the
physiological changes, generated by the denials of the person being tested, whether the denial was
trustworthy, [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 149

Tehnica profiling‐ului în investigațiile criminalistice

Autor: Bianca Cârdan

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Rezumat: Profilul psihologic al infractorului reprezintă un proces complex de identificare a acestuia prin analiza făcută asupra naturii infracțiunii săvârșite și a modului de comitere. Prin această tehnică se pot furniza informații cu privire la tipul de infractor prezent în cauză, reducându-se totodată cercul de suspecți. Datorită modernizării societății, mulți criminali au ajuns să știe să altereze locul faptei în așa fel încât, urmele acestora să fie pierdute. De aceea, profiler-ul va trebui să cerceteze cu atenție și profesionalism locul faptei pentru a fi descoperite urmele infracțiunii și, totodată, pentru a se putea reproduce [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 809