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Cuvinte-cheie "Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Iurisprudentia"

Diversions forms and the relation of the prosecution and investigation in the criminal procedural law

Autor: Vince Vári

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Abstract: The social expectation of efficiency against criminal investigation is formulated more and more vigorously. The efficiency of investigations can be apprehended through exploring the statistically measurable criteria of success and also through applying the rules of criminal procedure law legally and expertly. The police fulfill all these with strictly obeying the legal and professional regulations enforced by the prosecution. However, the result-centric requirement system makes the whole criminal jurisdiction system contraproductive if the directing conditions and activity competences of the  structure and the function of the subsystems (the prosecution, the police) are [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 295

Cum putem defini scrisul ca mijloc de identificare criminalistică?

Autor: Sorin Alămoreanu

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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How Can We Define Writing as Forensic Identification Tool?

Abstract: The author makes an attempt to define writing from the forensic point of view, in accordance with previous specialist opinions. The writing was the supreme means of inter-human communication, a product of education and a sign of culture. Camilo Baldi said that the graphical particularities of a writing are unrepeatable in another writing and totally irreproducible by another person. From this perspective, writing can be regarded both as a means of gramophoscopic forensic identification, but also as a graphological assessment tool. In the notion [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 180

The relevancy of questioning on the scene in case of exhibits

Autor: Ghirhiny Kornel

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Abstract: If questioning on the scene is performed correctly, however it – recalls the memories of a person – seems to be a human data source, we need to lay down, it is more than that. In those cases, when we get uniqe informations, which are only known by the people who were there at the crime, and the previous inspections are reinforcing about it with material evidences, and it reflects on the spot, then it is a material reflection of a special personal evidence. In these case, we think, the material reflection [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 466

Cercetarea raportului de cauzalitate din perspectiva psihanalitică

Autor: Neculai Zamfirescu, Ionuţ Constantinescu

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Research of the causality report from a psycho-analytical perspective

Abstract: The authors explain the actions in various situations from the psycho-analitycal prospective, as a use full tool in explaining the cause-effect relation. The ratio cause-efecte is viewed as a double sided relation, both psichological and physical at the same time. The explanations are made based on a case upon the  analysis of surveillance camera images.

Keywords: cause-effect relation; psychological approach;  video surveillance images.

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 201

Opinii privind problematica acreditării laboratoarelor de expertiză judiciară

Autor: Olga CATARAGA

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Opinions concerning the problems of forensic laboratories accreditation in Moldova

Abstract: The article analyzes the approach of some judicial actors on the process of judicial expertise laboratories accreditation in the country. Explanations are made on the term “accreditation”, with a retrospective of the accreditation process of the first laboratories of its kind in the world. Conceptual issues are explored on the quality of forensic expertise. The author explains the true destination standards quality and guides. Particular attention is drawn to the importance of accreditation  for thejudicial expertise laboratories and their development. Laboratories improve their [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 205

Particularități ale accidentelor rutiere în care sunt implicate motociclete – două studii de caz

Autor: Codrin Rebeleanu, Daniel Ureche, Ştefan Anitan, Dan Perju-Dumbravă

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Particularities of road traffic accidents involving  motocycles – two case studies

Abstract: The motorcycle has become a true culture in our society, so it is important to analyze its use in Romanian society. The most common cases of motorcycle accidents are those of a motorcycle and a car, most of which have resulted in death or serious injuries to drivers. Specialty literature recommends wearing a closed helmet, a leather armor, hard armrests, gloves, special knee pants and tibia and leather boots with a metal fitting. The study of [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 308

Cercetări privind corelarea distanței de proiectare a bicicliștilor cu viteza autovehiculului în momentul impactului

Autor: Gabriel Păduraru

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Researches on the correlation between the projection distance of bycicle riders and the speed of motor vehicles at the moment of impact

Abstract: Recently, the presence of two-wheeled vehicles is increasingly felt in urban agglomerations. For this reason, the incidence of accidents involving two-wheeled vehicles has increased substantially, on the one hand, due to the lack of infrastructure to ensure the maximum safety of cyclists and, on the other hand, due to the lack of discipline of cyclists, extra-urban traffic. A very important element in the reconstruction of traffic accidents involving cyclists is the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 223

Posibilități de măsurare a nano-urmelor. Măsurarea constantelor optice ale straturilor și ale structurilor nanometrie din substanțe organice si neorganice

Autor: Evtodiev Silvia, Cataraga Olga, Gurău Nicolae, Untila Dumitru, Caraman Mihail

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Possibilities to measure nano-traces. Measurement of optical constants of nanoscale layers and structures in organic and inorganic substances

Abstract: Reality shows that criminal investigators are still disarmed in the field of investigating nano-dimensional forensic objects, having no counterparts to the underworld, both in order to detect, fix and trace the subsurface traces, and in their laboratory examination.

In this paper, we try to contribute with a small scientific support, giving the criminal practitioners, through scientific demonstration, possibilities to achieve the structural identification and the characteristics of the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 172

Recursul în casație – cale de atac extraordinară sau cale de atac iluzorie? Reflecţii pe marginea Deciziei nr. 591/2015 a Curţii Constituţionale a României

Autor: Marius Floare

Publicat în: Studia UBB nr. 4/2015

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Cuvinte-cheie: recurs în casație; procedură penală; neconstituționalitate; caracter echitabil;
noul Cod de Procedură Penală; Legea nr. 255/2013.

The Appeal on Points of Law in Criminal Procedure – An Extraordinary or an Elusive Appeal? Thoughts in Relation to the Decision no. 591/2015 of the Romanian Constitutional Court.

Abstract: This study contains observations on the restrictive character of the appeal on points of law in criminal procedure, as it is regulated by the new Code of Criminal Procedure, which came into force on February 1st, 2014, the way this statute was modified by the Law no. 255/2013, reflections [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 177

Importanța elementelor tactice ale ascultării persoanelor în procesul penal

Autor: Sorin Silviu Finta

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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The importance of tactical elements of person interrogation during the criminal trial

Abstract: In order to successfully interrogate a suspect, investigators must conceive and apply such interrogation tactics that are at the same time forensically adequate as well as criminal procedures law abiding, fitting also to the type of interrogated person. Tactics must be adapted to the investigation situation, person of interest and incriminating evidences being the main fundament of their structure. The author underlines some features of the tactical approach of person interrogation in criminal cases. Remarks are made upon the types of [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 167