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octombrie 8, 2023

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Cuvinte-cheie "stat de drept"

The criminal response to the terrorist phenomenon. Critical paradigms for the Rule of Law

Autor: Francescadiletta BORTONE, Diego Di GIUSEPPE

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2018

Revistă disponibilăaici.

Abstract: In this article we try to analyze various aspects relating to the topic of terrorism. We start by exploring the old form of terrorism, up to its modern form, transition within which some issues of particular relevance are highlighted: the evanescence of the subjects and targets involved with terrorist attacks; the transformation and extension of the object of interest to terrorism; the admixture between the political and religious nature of the attacks. In the same way, we try to show the change in the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 171

Sinteză privind pachetul de reformă pentru modernizarea sistemului de justiție francez

Autor: Dragoș-Nicolae Dumitru

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2021

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Cuvinte-cheie: modernizare, justiție, stat de drept, litigant/parte.

Synthesis of the reform package for the modernization of the French judiciary

Abstract: Modernization of justice – a must?! The French justice system has, over time, been a landmark of the rule of law for the continental law. In public discourse, modern French governments have always placed justice at the heart of the society, constantly recognizing the immutable effect that characterizes a modern society, namely that of the act of justice. In a modern society it is unanimously recognized that justice and [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 180