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octombrie 8, 2023

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Cuvinte-cheie "siguranța circulației"

Practice problems concerning the interpretation and application of the art. 336 para. 1 provisions of the Romanian Penal Code

Autor: Adinan Halil

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2019

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The author debates some practical problems arising from Romanian penal legislation as conditioning criminal act of pure alcohol concentration in blood at the time the vehicle has been driven on public roads and not from the time of taking biological samples, or the obligation of the retroactive calculation and the establishment of the alcoholic drink from the moment of driving the vehicle on public roads.

Keywords: alcohol concentration; driving a vehicle; biological samples; traffic safety.

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 205

Aspecte privind principalele cauze ale accidentelor rutiere

Autor: Ștefan-Gelu Fumureanu

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 10/2020

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: Road accidents are caused by the independent or combined action of three categories of factors, namely the human factor which is responsible for about 90% of all road accidents materialized in carelessness and non-compliance with traffic rules by road users, the road factor that refers to means of terrestrial communication, respectively their condition, the existence of road signaling means and the technical factor related to the malfunction or bmalfunction of the vehicle.

Keywords: road accidents, human factor, road safety, technical factor, technical faults, road
factor, road [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 201