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Cuvinte-cheie "sancțiuni penale"

Development of Criminal Sanctions in Serbia after the Breakup of the F.R. of Yugoslavia


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: The importance of criminal sanctions in the criminal sense, but also their importance for every society or country needs no special explanation. The period after nineties of the twentieth century in Europe was followed by many social and political changes that resulted from the breakup of the USSR. These changes have resulted in the breakup of previously unified countries and the same consequences happened within the criminal law. The changes that have emerged due to the formation of new countries, which can be seen in [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 121

Definiția infracțiunii în noul Cod penal

Autor: Cristina ROTARU

Publicat în: Curierul Judiciar nr. 2/2014

Revistă disponibilă: aici

Rezumat realizat de redacție: Viziunea după care a fost elaborată noua legislaţie penală impunea şi formularea unei noi definiţii a infracţiunii. Cea cuprinsă în art. 17 C.pen. din 1968 a fost deseori criticată în doctrină pentru includerea pericolului social printre trăsăturile esenţiale ale infracţiunii, dar şi pentru că nu permitea o clasificare a cauzelor ce înlăturau caracterul penal al faptei, deşi unele din ele vizau antijuridicitatea, iar altele vinovăţia, cu implicaţii negative în ceea ce priveşte aplicarea sancţiunilor penale.

Cuvinte-cheie: criminalitate; cauze care înlătură caracterul penal al faptei; sancțiuni penale.

Definition of the crime [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 162

Criminal sanctions and their development in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Autor: Nenad BINGULAC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017

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Abstract: It is not necessary to indicate the special character of criminal sanctions in the criminal-legal sense, as well as their importance for every society and country. Even during the Second World War on the liberated territories the first rules of national authorities were adopted, that have had a broader significance of the „criminal justice” although they predicted actions of punishing the enemies of the people and confiscation. In this paper, as and derives from its title, we will deal with the development of criminal sanctions in [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 99

Juvenile institutional criminal sanctions in the law system of Republic of Serbia

Autor: Dragan Jovašević

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2020

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[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 146

Despre aplicarea principiului ,,poluatorul plătește”. Este nevoie de reintroducerea sancțiunii penale pentru respectarea lui de către poluatori?

Autor: Remus JURJ

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2021

Disponibil online: aici

Cuvinte-cheie: poluare, protecția mediului, poluatorul plătește, sancțiuni penale.

On the application of the “polluter paysˮ principle. Is it necessary to reintroduce the criminal sanction for compliance by polluters

Abstract: Media reveals acts of pollution every day, but little news is about the firm intervention of administrative authorities and very little about the intervention of the judiciary, so the effects on prevention and public awareness are minimal. The author describes the legislative evolution of the “polluter pays” principle and the period in which non-compliance with this principle [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 166