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Cuvinte-cheie "rights"

Competența judecătorului de supraveghere a privării de libertate de a dispune aplicarea prin procedura reglementată de art. 56 din Legea nr. 254/2013 privind executarea pedepselor și a măsurilor privative de libertate a dispozițiilor Legii nr. 169/20

Autor: Simona Cireșica NEDELCU
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 2/2019
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Competence of the judge of surveillance of deprivation of liberty to order the application through the procedure regulated by Article 56 of the Law No 254/2013 on the execution of custodial sentences and of measures involving deprivation of liberty
This study is an analysis of the conditions of admissibility by the procedure covered by Article 56 of the Law No 254/2013 of complaints made by the convicted persons in connection with the awarding of compensation days for inadequate [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 262

Peculiul condamnaților în legislația românească actuală – o analiză prin raportare la jurisprudență, instrumente internaționale și soluții legislative adoptate de alte state europene

Autor: Radu Vlad POJAN
Publicat în:
Revista Dreptul nr. 9/2019
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Legal regime of the convict’s money in the current Romanian legislation – an analysis by reference to case law, international instruments and legislative solutions adopted by other European states
The article deals with the legal regime of the convict’s money, their sources of origin and the destinations for their use during detention, in the Romanian criminal law and jurisprudence, bringing to light some proposals aimed at improving the situation of some categories of detainees in a state of economic [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 170

Legalitatea limitării exercitării dreptului persoanelor private de libertate la primirea, cumpărarea, folosirea sau deținerea unor categorii de alimente

Autor: Radu-Ionuț CHIRIAC, Simona Cireșica NEDELCU
Publicat în:
Revista Dreptul nr. 12/2019
Revistă disponibilă online:
Legality of limiting the exercise of the right of the persons deprived of liberty to receive, buy, use or hold some categories of foods
This paper presents an analysis of the legality of the decisions made by the administrations of the places of detainment to forbid to the persons deprived of their freedom to receive and acquire different categories of foods, decisions based on safety reasons regarding the detainment, as per Article 148 (6) in the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 176

The persons deprived of liberty, as passive subject of the criminal execution legal relationships

Autor: Simona Cireșica OPRIȘAN
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2019
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: The study analyzes the behaviour of individuals deprived of their liberty both as an individual phenomenon and in relations established during the execution of custodial sentences. The impact of detention on these people is different, so their reactions are different. Isolation of society, loss or restriction of rights, separation from their families, subjection to a severe life regime, all perceived as a violation of his integrity as a human being. The study also analyzes the conformism/discipline report, taking into account both personal [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 179

The rights of a person deprived of liberty of maintaining family ties in 5 european country

Autor: Iulia POPESCU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2018
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: A prisoner’s life can often be a scary way of life for many people, which is why many individuals don’t want to be close to people who have been imprisoned, for obvious reasons. But the reality is that those who execute prison sentences, sooner or later, are liberated from prison and re-enter en society. Resocialization is a hard and difficult process to be fulfilled, but obviously not impossible. In trying to redress the behaviours of those who have chosen the wrong way of [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 199

The private visit – right or compensation

Autor: Iulia POPESCU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: The connection of the person deprived of his/her liberty with the family is an important aspect to be kept in the prison environment both for him/her and for the family. This connection is accomplished in particular by the right to private visit as provided within the legal regulations. Identifying the origins of the right to private visit and establishing the nature of this private right represent a goal, given that its peculiarity is that although it is regarded as a right, its implementation [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 193