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Cuvinte-cheie "right to a fair trial"

Incompatibilitatea unor proceduri. Confirmarea renunțării la urmărire penală și confiscarea specială

Autor: Mihai-Costin TOADER
Publicat în:
Revista Dreptul nr. 1/2019
Revistă disponibilă online:
The incompatibility of some procedures. Confirmation of abandonment of criminal prosecution and special confiscation
This study aims to debate the question of the moment when the prosecutor should address the preliminary chamber judge in view of ordering the safety measure of the special confiscation, a procedure provided by the provisions of Article 549 of the Criminal Procedure Code, by reference to the moment of adoption of the processual solution of abandonment of the criminal prosecution, according to Article 318 of [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 217

Prezumția de nevinovăție și dreptul de a fi prezent la proces în cadrul procedurilor penale în Uniunea Europeană. Unele opinii critice

Autor: Ion RUSU

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr.9/2016

Disponibil onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Presumption of innocence and right to be present at the trial within the criminal procedures in the European Union. Some critical opinions

Abstract: In this paper the author has proceeded to a brief examination of the European normative act adopted in March 2016, which regulates the presumption of innocence and the right to be present at the trial within the criminal procedures, both rights being circumscribed to the right to a fair trial provided in Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The study also makes [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 238