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Executarea silită a părţilor sociale. O nouă modalitate de recuperare a creanţelor adusă de Noul Cod de procedură penală

Autor: Cristina TICU JIANU

Publicat în: Revista Română de Executare Silită nr. 1/2015

Revistă disponibilă: aici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Enforcement of shares. A new method of the claims recovery introduced by the new Code of civil procedure

Abstract: We appreciate that the dilemma debated in the judicial doctrine published after the publication of the new Code of civil procedure (2013) finds its resolution in the provisions of the Book V, “About enforcement” of the new Code of civil procedure, which allow the enforcement of shares no matter whether they are owned by a limited liability company (SRL) with sole shareholder or with [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 140

Scurte consideraţii privind sechestrul asigurător în procesul penal

Autor: Marius Eugen RADU

Publicat în: Revista Română de Executare Silită nr. 2/2014

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Titlul lucrării în engleză: Brief considerations regarding the precautionary measures in criminal procedure

Abstract: Precautionary measures may be taken either by ordinance or by closing motivated. Their role is to prevent the concealment, destruction, disposal or circumvent the tracking of goods can be confiscated or extended confiscation or which may serve to enforcement of the fine or court costs or to repair damage caused by the offense.

Keywords: seizure; criminal; precautionary measures; procedural act.…

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 153

Unele aspecte privind răspunderea penală a executorului judecătoresc

Autor: Stanislav COPEȚCHI, Roman TALMACI

Publicat în: Revista Română de Executare Silită nr. 2/2019

Revistă disponibilă: aici

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Some aspects regarding the bailiffs’ criminal liability

Abstract: The present study points out some aspects in the matter of the criminal liability of the bailiff. They are exemplified the norms of the Special Part of the Criminal Code under whose incidence can be qualified the unlawful conduct of the bailiff manifested in the performance of his duties. It shown that since July 23, 2010 the bailiff no longer has the status of civil servant, but a person invested by the state to [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 223

Particularităţile răspunderii penale a executorului judecătoresc

Autori: Vasile DRĂGHICI, Zafer SADÎC

Publicat în: Revista Română de Executare Silită nr. 1/2020

Revistă disponibilă onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Characteristics of the bailiffs’ criminal liability

Abstract: The article sets out the characteristic elements that define the criminal liability of the bailiff, emphasizing the typology of the crimes that can have as active subject this professional category, with the indication of the relevant case law of the practice of the courts of Romania and of the court of constitutional litigation. Within the preamble of the study we discuss about the general activity framework of the bailiffs, with reference to the special law (Law [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 174

Executarea silită a imobilelor confiscate sau sechestrate în vederea confiscării

Autor: Andra-Roxana TRANDAFIR

Publicat în: Revista Română de Executare Silită nr. 2/2020

Revistă disponibilă: aici

Abstract: The legal provisions of the Romanian Criminal Procedure Code on interim measures, as well as the ones of the Criminal Code on safety measures, especially confiscations, have to be sometimes interpreted in connection with the rules of the Civil Procedure Code on enforcement procedures. The paper aims to show the current status of the enforcement concerning immovable assets which were previously seized by the prosecutor or by the criminal court. Moreover, following a case which was judged by the Romanian civil courts, [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 187