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Cuvinte-cheie "Revista de Științe Juridice"

Câteva considerații de doctrină și practică judiciară privind răspunderea penală a persoanei juridice în lumina noului Cod penal

Autor: Ruxandra RÃDUCANU

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 1/2014

Disponibil online: aici.

Some considerations of doctrine and judicial practice concerning the criminal liability of legal person in the light of New Criminal Code

Abstract: The criminal liability of the legal person is a relatively new institution in the Romanian
criminal law. There is no rich jurisprudence in this respect, due to the fact that only in
2006, by the amendment of the Criminal Code, was it possible that legal persons might
become criminally liable and be punished for committing offences. The criminal liability of the legal person does not exclude the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 196

Respectarea demnităţii persoanei umane în timpul executării pedepselor şi măsurilor privative de libertate dispuse de organele judiciare în cursul procesului penal

Autor: Izabela BRATILOVEA

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Supliment 2/2015

Disponibil online: aici.

Respect for the dignity of the human person during the execution of punishments and custodial measures ordered by the court in criminal proceedings

Abstract: Through Law no. 254/2013 on the execution of punishments and custodial measures ordered by the court in criminal proceedings, continue changing the approach of the the treatment of detainees. As regards the rights of detainees, a new approach regarding the protection of life concerns the need to ensure a quality of life of detainees, which include a prohibition of imprisonment in conditions that are too [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 162

Elemente de noutate ale Codului penal din 2009 în materia infracţiunilor de corupţie

Autor: Ruxandra Răducanu

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Supliment 2/2015

Disponibil online: aici.

Novelties of the 2009 Criminal Code in matters of corruption offenses

Abstract: The Criminal Code of 2009 has elements of novelty in the field of corruption offenses, based on a new vision of the crime of bribery. Thus, although apparently no longer criminalized, the offense of receiving undue advantages, the new structure of the offense of bribery allows the criminalization of receiving undue benefits by officials who first takes place after performance of the duties falling within its service. Another novelty aimed at miled criminalizing the receipt of bribes [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 172

Noile prevederi ale Codului de procedură penală privind ascultarea persoanelor, percheziţia şi expertiza

Autor: Gabriel NAGHI

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Supliment 2015

Disponibil online: aici.

The new provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code regarding the hearing persons’, search and expertise

Abstract: The necessity of a unitary jurisprudence, in line with the jurisprudence of ECtHR, as well as the multitude of amendments of the old Criminal Procedure Code which had determined divergent interpretations and rules for application and the actual suffocation of the prosecution and judiciary, represent the main reasons that lay at the basis of the decision to modernise the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code. The procedural specifications meant to [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 183

Consideraţii privind efectele deciziilor Curţii Constituţionale, din perspectiva soluţiilor pronunţate după intrarea în vigoare a noului Cod penal şi a Codului de procedură penală

Autor: Monica BUZEA

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Supliment 2015

Disponibil online: aici.

Considerations on the effects of Constitutional Court decisions in terms of solutions passed after the entry into force of the new Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code

Abstract: Changes to criminal law and criminal procedure and referral led Romanian Constitutional Court, the unconstitutionality, to perform testing. Establish consequences tying effect of Constitutional Court decisions generally applicable for the future is inseparable from the distinction between decisions admission and rejection of the simple and intermediate consequence initial suspension within 45 days and in particular the obligation of Parliament or the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 163

Scurte consideraţii privind măsurile preventive privative de libertate în reglementarea noului Cod de procedură penală

Autor: Ionel GRIGORIE

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 2/2015

Disponibil online: aici.

Short considerations on custodial preventive measures in the regulation of the new Criminal Procedure Code

Abstract: The article proposes an approach to the elements the novelty of the new Code of Criminal Procedure safeguards of individual liberty and personal security preventive measures in relation to deprivation of liberty which may be ordered in criminal proceedings. Examination of the principle of proportionality in taking preventive measures according to the seriousness of the accusation and the need for attaining the desired person by ordering it is an obligation for judges hearing [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 216

Termeni juridici vechi şi noi din domeniul ştiinţelor penale neincluşi în dicţionareale limbii române

Autor: Teodor SÂMBRIAN

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 2/2015

Disponibil online: aici.

New and old legal terms from criminal sciences field not included in the Romanian language dictionaries

Cuvinte-cheie: termeni juridici; științe penale; termeni neincluși în dicționarul limbii române. …

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 125

Aspecte teoretice și practice cu impact asupra instituției regimului de executare a pedepselor privative de libertate și a măsurilor educative privative de libertate

Autor: Simona Cireșica OPRIȘAN (NEDELCU)

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 2/2019

Disponibil onlineaici.

Theoretical and practice aspects with impact on the institution of the
enforcement regime of the execution of sentences and custodial measures

Abstract: In this study, the author analyzes through the judicial practice aspects related to the institution of enforcement regimes by referring to the objective and subjective criteria that are considered by the commission for individualizing the enforcement regime when making the decision to change or maintain the enforcement regime, by the judge of surveillance of deprivation of liberty in solving complaints and courts in resolving appeals. [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 196

One example for the legal system stability: the criminal protection of defence counsel and other lawyers in the criminal procedure

Autor: Fenyvesi CSABA
Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 2/2015
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: The general position of (protection of) the defence counsel does not need an urgent discussion, but at the same time there are signs which refer to that we have to consult in this topic and it can not be excluded that this issue will be more and more actual in the future.

Keywords: system stability; criminal procedure; defence counsel; criminal protection. …

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 125

Opinie critică referitoare la aplicarea pedepsei principale în cazul concursului de infracțiuni în prevederile noului Cod Penal

Autor: Costel NICULEANU
Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 1/2015 Număr aniversar prof. univ. dr. Gh. Dănișor
Disponibil onlineaici.

Rezumat: Cu toate cã menține sistemul contopirii juridice pentru sancționarea concursului de infracțiuni, Noul Cod penal prevede obligativitatea aplicării la pedeapsa cea mai grea a unui spor fix de pedeapsă reprezentând o treime din totalul celorlalte pedepse stabilite pentru infracțiunile concurente. Prevederea în cuprinsul legii a cuantumului sporului de pedeapsă nu mai permite instanței de judecatã sã aprecieze, de la caz la caz, în funcție de numărul și gravitatea infracțiunilor concurente și de datele care îl caracterizeazã pe [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 202