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Cuvinte-cheie "protecția martorilor"

Penal Means of Substantive Law against Acts of Corruption and Organized Crime in the Hungarian Witness Protection

Autor: Krisztián SZABÓ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2014

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Fight Against Organized Crime in Light of Witness Protection

Autor: Nyitrai ENDRE

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2015

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Abstract: The most efficient means of the fight against organized crime are witness protection provisions. Witnesses have key importance in eliminating criminal organizations as the court can use their declarations as an evidence. The testimony of the witness can base enforcing investigation, furthermore the criminal impeachment of the perpetrators. The aim of this study is to show the means of witness protection, which allows us to fight against criminal organizations effectively.

Keywords: organized crime; witness protection; gathering information; threat; influence. …

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Vizualizări 185

Considerații referitoare la actul procesual prin care se stabilește dacă și când instanța de judecată acordă beneficiul cauzei legale de reducere a pedepsei prevăzut de art. 19 din Legea nr. 682/2002

Autor: Ioan GRIGA

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 11/2015

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Titlul lucrării în engleză: Considerations regarding the procedural act establishing whether and when the court grants the benefit of the legal case of the punishment reduction provided by art. 19 of Law no. 682/2002

Abstract: In this article, the author brings to the attention of the ideologists and practitioners of the criminal law an issue of high interest, raised in the criminal and procedural practice, namely that of the procedural act establishing whether and when the court grants the benefit of the legal reason for reducing punishment provided by art. 19 of Law no. [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 103

Witness Protection from the Aspect of Defence Attorney

Autor: Andrea KRAUT, Tibor HESZ, László KOHALMI

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2019

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Abstract: One of the possible instruments of the criminal procedure in the fight against organized crime and high-level conspiracy is witness protection. Witness protection, like any law enforcement measure, has some limitations. The use of the specially protected witness in the procedure of proof raises serious problems of the rule of law, as it reduces the defendant’s freedom of defense, as the principle of the classical adversarial principle is violated. He sets foot on the barren ground, giving up the classic rule of [vezi tot]

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