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Despre raporturile constituționale dintre ministrul justiției și procurori. Decizia Curții Constituționale nr. 358/2018 privind conflictul juridic de natură constituțională dintre ministrul justiției și Președintele României – limitele interpretării

Autor: Vlad NEAGOE
Publicat în:
Revista Dreptul nr. 2/2019
Revistă disponibilă online:
About the constitutional relations between the Minister of Justice and the prosecutors. The Decision of the Constitutional Court No 358/2018 on the legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the Minister of Justice and the President of Romania
The solution given by the Constitutional Court of Romania through its Decision No 358/2018 on the legal conflict of a constitutional nature between the Minister of Justice and the President of Romania, regarding the possibility of revoking the Chief Prosecutor of the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 190

Considerations regarding the preventive measure of judicial control on bail

Autor: Andrei-Viorel IUGAN
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2018
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: The judicial control on bail is one of the five preventive measures provided by the New Criminal Procedure Code. The faulty way of regulating the preventive measure of judicial control on bail has determined an extremely low applicability of this preventive measure in the judicial practice of our country. Both in doctrine and jurisprudence there is controversy over the procedure to be followed in order to take the measure of judicial control on bail. In a doctrinal opinion it was shown that there [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 213

The suspension of criminal investigation in the event of incidence of a temporary legal impediment

Autor: Nadia Claudia CANTEMIR – STOICA
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2018
Disponibil online:
Abstract: The criminal investigation is the first stage of the criminal proceeding, necessary to be carried out under legality, so as to collect the necessary evidence to find the truth in order to prosecute or not to prosecute a person subject to the criminal investigation. Sometimes, depending on the quality at the time the criminal offense was committed or on the occasion of the investigations, it is not possible to order the criminal proceedings to be initiated, given that there [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 170

Termination of preventive measures – comparative law issues

Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: Preventive measures are one of the most important institutions of the criminal procedural law, because of the fact that by taking it the freedom of the citizen is restricted – one of the most important constitutional rights. The legislator had a difficult task when it approved the rules governing the conditions for making, revocation and termination of the preventive measures, being necessary to balance the security of criminal procedures on one hand and freedom of the investigated citizen on the other [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 187

Judge’s liability while carrying out their professional duties

Autor: Marian ALEXANDRU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: Nowadays, the Romanian social and political context debates more and more on the patrimonial liability of judges for errors of law in cases settled by them. This work aims at presenting legal terms, based on which both the civil and criminal disciplinary liability can be generally enacted.
Keywords: judge; prosecutor; liability; status; disciplinary.…

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Vizualizări 244

Plea agreement during the criminal prosecution of a criminal trial

Autor: Marian ALEXANDRU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: The Plea Agreement is one of the latest institutions and one of the special procedures introduced by the New Romanian Criminal Procedure Code. The Romanian procedure law adopted it because the State wanted a reduced cost of the justice action; thus, the courts would have fewer trials and the procedures would be accelerated. This work wants to analyze the congruity of this procedure with the right to a fair trial.
Keywords: agreement; recognition; guilt; prosecutor; trial.…

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Vizualizări 249