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octombrie 8, 2023

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Cuvinte-cheie "pedeapsă degradantă"

Interdicția instituită de art. 3 din Convenția pentru apărarea Drepturilor Omului și a Libertăților Fundamentale, raportat la pedepsele principale aplicabile persoanei fizice și la faza de investigație pentru pregătirea procesului penal

Autor: Alina TEACĂ

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 6/2018

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The main punishments, life imprisonment, imprisonment and criminal fine penalty, are
provided by art. 53 Criminal Code and are coercive and reeducational measures applicable to the
individual person who committed an act punishable by the criminal law in order to prevent the
commission of future crimes.
The concept of criminal sanction, automatically evokes the idea of punishment, punishment of
those responsible for an act of unlawfulness, but the punishment must be fair, correct, both in terms
of restoring the lawful order to ensure the re-education of the convict.
No one [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 169

The humanism of criminal law


Publicat în: Challenges of the knowledge society (CKS) 2021

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The humanism of criminal law is a principle of criminal policy and postmodern criminal law. It is listed in numerous internal and external sources. An international treaty based on the principle of humanism is the Convention against Torture and Other Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted in New York in 1984. The European Court of Human Rights has a rich jurisprudence that sanctions violations of the European Convention (see art. 3) in the field of human rights protection, including in [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 174