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Cuvinte-cheie "Nelu Dorinel Popa"

Interferențe și delimitări cu referire la constatare și expertiză – mijloace de probă în procesul penal

Autor: Nelu Dorinel POPA

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr.3/2016

Disponibil onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Interferences and boundaries with reference to fact-finding and expertise – means of evidence in the criminal trial

Abstract: According to Article 172 (12) of the Criminal Procedure Code „After the finalisation of the fact-finding report, whenever the judicial body considers necessary the opinion of an expert or whenever the conclusions of the fact-finding report are contested, an expertise shall be ordered to be made.” This legal text is not correlated with the rest of the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code in force, nor with the other provisions of the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 196

Unele considerente privind compatibilizarea legislației naționale cu legislația comunitară referitoare la urmărirea, identificarea, înghețarea și confiscarea instrumentelor și produselor infracțiunii

Autor: Nelu Dorinel POPA, Bianca POPA
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 6/2019
Revistă disponibilă online:
Some considerations on making the national legislation compatibile with the Community law referring to the tracing, identification, freezing and confiscation of instruments and proceeds of the offence
Among the measures initiated by the European bodies and subsequently taken over and adopted by the judicial authorities of the Member States to combat cross-border crime are those regarding the judicial cooperation in criminal matters referring to the tracing, identification, freezing and confiscation of proceeds, instruments and assets related to [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 149

Referințe istorice și precedente doctrinare ale Criminologiei din România

Autor: Nelu Dorinel Popa

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic 4/2021

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The article contains a history of Criminology in Romania, which was born at the beginning of the twentieth century as an integral part of criminal science, and later, with the appearance of the „Criminology Course” by Professor Traian Pop in 1928, it became an independent legal discipline, with a very important role in preventing and effectively combating the criminal phenomenon.
Also, the article refers, in chronological order, to the main moments and reference works that appeared during the evolution of Criminology in Romania.
Until 1989, [vezi tot]

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