Autor: Dragan Jovašević
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2020
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[vezi tot]Ultima actualizare:
octombrie 8, 2023
Autor: Dragan Jovašević
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2020
Revistă disponibilă: aici.…
[vezi tot]Autor: Lavinia Valeria LEFTERACHE
Publicat în: In honorem Flavius Antoniu Baias. Aparența în drept (coord. Adriana Almășan, Ioana Vârsta, Cristina Zamșa), Ed. Hamangiu, București, 2021
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Rezumat: Ideea de probatoriu în materie penală tinde să se volatilizeze, astfel încât existenţa sau inexistenţa relei-credinţe a minorului se transformă într-un fapt de notorietate publică ori necontestat, atunci când este afirmată de consilierul de probaţiune. În faţa unei jurisprudenţe divergente, reaua-credinţă oscilează între prezumţie şi ficţiune.
Cuvinte cheie: minor, răspundere penală, măsuri educative, prelungire sau înlocuire, probă rea-credinţă, prezumţii.
Abstract: The idea of evidence in criminal matters tends to volatilize, so that the existence or non-existence of the minor’s [vezi tot]
Autor: Mihaela BOTNARENCO
Publicat în: In honorem Flavius Antoniu Baias. Aparența în drept (coord. Adriana Almășan, Ioana Vârsta, Cristina Zamșa), Ed. Hamangiu, București, 2021
Lucrare disponibilă: aici
Rezumat: În materia infracţiunilor privind viaţa sexuală, se atestă ambiguitate cu privire la consimţământul victimei, în special în ipoteza în care acesta este exprimat de un minor. Scopul acestui articol este de a clarifica semnificaţia consimţământului exprimat de minor în contextul infracţiunilor privind viaţa sexuală. Printre altele, în studiul de faţă se consemnează cum consimţământul şi discernământul sunt două concepte strâns legate. Se arată ca fiind imperioasă distingerea ipotezelor: cazul consimţământului univoc, când minorul dispune de discernământ, şi cazul consimţământului aparent, [vezi tot]
Autor: Valentin Nicușor CRISTEA, Cezar Sebastian MAXIM
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020
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Protection of children – victims of domestic violence. General considerations
Abstract: The violence against children is a phenomenon that mainly affects children from the vulnerable groups, but which children from all over the society are also victims of. The protection of child victims can only be achieved by the Romanian state by establishing effective normative acts, doubled by taking effective measures, both at administrative and judicial level, by the instrumentality of which there is ensured the psycho-physical development of the children in normal conditions, depending on their age.
Keywords: domestic [vezi tot]
Autor: Luminița NICOLESCU
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020
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Linking national legislation with international conventions on the protection of juveniles, particularly child victims
Abstract: The obligation of the state to protect the juveniles can take various shapes, depending on the specific risk of violence to which they are exposed to and the source of the violence. The many conventions adopted at the European and global level provide detailed guarantees on the protection of children against the specific forms of violence and have set up monitoring bodies responsible for overseeing their implementation. The states that have ratified them have adapted their specific legislation [vezi tot]
Autor: Dana-Cristina BUNEA
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020
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Protection of juvenile victims of crime, from the perspective of Art. 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights
Abstract: The European Court of Human Rights highlighted on each occasion the absolute nature of the right to life (Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights) and of the right not to be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 3 of the Convention). Thus, no derogation is to be made from these rights under no circumstances. With a view to protecting these rights, the European Court [vezi tot]
Autor: Marian TRUȘCĂ
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020
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The need for a new approach in handling the investigation of cases involving the offenses against the sexual freedom and the integrity of juveniles
Abstract: The experience of recent years, as well as the findings of the European Court of Human Rights regarding several cases, require the adoption of new practices in investigating the cases of sexual assault on minors. Thus, a new approach is needed, especially in terms of the manner to conduct the hearing of the child victims, by using interview guides for this purpose, based on the results of [vezi tot]
Autor: Cătălin Olivian IONAȘCU
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020
Psychiatric forensic expertise (examination) of the juvenile victim and forensic psychological evaluation (examination) of the juvenile victim
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Abstract: The article highlights two evidentiary proceedings that do not have a concrete regulation in the current legislation (they are not being expressly mentioned in the Code of Criminal Procedure, but also in the primary legislation or in the administrative provisions in the field), and clarifies certain legal aspects related to the possibility of psychic examination of the juvenile victim during the criminal process, of course in order to identify the possible signs (in the [vezi tot]
Autor: Ioana URSACHE
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020
Psychological evaluation versus forensic psychological expertise. Legal basis and importance of evidence in the criminal proceedings. Legal practice aspects
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Abstract: All magistrates involved in juvenile cases should „consider the level of maturity, vulnerability and mental capacity of the minor, whether as a juvenile who infringes the law, a victim or a witness.” (Yerevan Declaration regarding juvenile justice, adopted during the 5th plenary meeting of the CCPE, which took place in Yerevan – Armenia on 19-21 October 20101 ). Insufficient of the evidence, when it’s obvious, it should oblige the judiciary to analyze the [vezi tot]