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Cuvinte-cheie "minori"

Aspecte teoretice și practice privind sancţionarea infractorilor minori

Autor: Vali Ștefania ILEANA-NIŢĂ

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 2/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Rezumat: Conform dispoziţiilor actualului Cod Penal, infractorul minor care a săvârșit fapte penale, beneficiază de un regim special pentru infracţiunile săvârșite, în comparaţie cu infractorul major, fiindu-i aplicate doar măsuri educative neprivative sau privative de libertate. În aceste condiţii, pluralitatea de infracţiuni în cazul infractorului minor este tratată în mod diferit de legiuitor, faţă de pluralitatea de infracţiuni săvârșite de un infractor major.

Cuvinte-cheie: măsuri educative privative și neprivative de libertate; concurs de infracţiuni; tratamentul sancţionator.

Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the sanctioning of a juvenile offender

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Vizualizări 251

O problemă, două soluții: Posibilitatea aplicării unei măsuri educative privative de libertate minorului care a fost condamnat la pedeapsa închisorii sub imperiul Codului penal anterior

Autor:  Nicodim Teodor, Roșca Sergiu Valer

Publicat în: Revista Themis nr. 1-2/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: Codul penal vechi; minori; măsuri educative privative de libertate; pedeapsa închisorii; principiul legalității incriminării; noul Cod penal.…

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Vizualizări 249

The System of Criminal Sanctions for Juvenile Offenders in the New Criminal Law of the Republic of Serbia from 2005

Autor: Dragan JOVAŠEVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: At the beginning of 2006, new system of juvenile criminal law (substantial, procedural and executive) entered into force in the Republic of Serbia. In that way, by completing the reform of its criminal laAt the beginning of 2006, new system of juvenile criminal law (substantial, procedural and executive) entered into force in the Republic of Serbia. In that way, by completing the reform of its criminal law, the Republic of Serbia followed the tendencies of contemporary criminal policies of other developed European countries (such as France, Germany, [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 181

The Digital World Affecting Children Rights and The Affects of Internet Governance


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: In today’s modern world everybody uses the new technologies to communicate across the globe. Children from very young age use I-pads or smart phones to play, learn new things, communicate but not all the information or graphic imagery that is on the internet is good for them. Adults can distinguish and can choose what is appropriate and good. But can children distinguish the dangers that are on the internet? Can they decide for themselves and be protected from the online influences and information? The UN [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 244

Criminal treatment of juveniles in Romania and the European Union

Autor: Mădălina Elena Feraru (Mascarell)

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2019

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The transformations of the social and economic life of Romania in the last period have led to an increase in deviant behaviours among young people, a phenomenon that has generated a decrease of confidence in this age category, the deviant behaviour endangering the safety of the community and implicitly the national security.  

Keywords: juveniles; deviant behaviour; danger.

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Vizualizări 217

Legal framework of educational measures involving non-deprivation of liberty in Romanian criminal law

Andrei-Lucian PUȘCAȘU

Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2015
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: In case of minors with age between 14 and 18 year old, who have committed a criminal offense and are liable from the criminal point of view, Romanian Criminal Code establishes a specific system of criminal penalties entitled educational measures. The following study aims to analyze the educational measures involving non-custodial of liberty.

Keywords: educational measure; minors; Romanian Criminal Code; sanctions.…

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Vizualizări 192

Protection of Minor’s Rights in the Romanian Criminal Trial

Autor: Laura STĂNILĂ, Adrian STAN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: The legal treatment of juvenile delinquents constitutes an issue raising several difficulties, regarding the age stated by the Romanian legislator for imposing criminal liability and, on the other hand, regarding their special requirements in the criminal trial. The comparative criminal law deals extensively with this issue. As a matter of fact, the legal aspects and difficulties of the criminal trial in case of minors are even more under debate in comparison with the aspects of criminal trial in case of adult perpetrators, the doctrine [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 213

Juvenile Prison Sentence in the Juvenile Law of the Republic of Serbia

Autor: Dragan JOVAŠEVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: The idea, legal sources and major characteristics of contemporary juvenile criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia are the issues that have been analysed within this paper. Particularly, following the tendencies expressed in numerous international legal documents adopted lately beneath and within the United Nations Organization (The Convention on the Rights of the Child), as well as acts adopted by regional organizations (Council of Europe), The Republic of Serbia has adopted in 2005 specialized Law on Juvenile Criminal Offenders and Criminal Protection of Juveniles. That way, one [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 148

Juveniles in Traffic Accidents – An Analysis of the Media in Serbia

Autor: Dragan OBRADOVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: Road traffic is increasingly more intense worldwide. With the increase in the quality of life in some countries, the volume of traffic has also increased. Consequently, the risks are increasing for all traffic participants, and especially for the vulnerable categories such as children and minors. The media can play a great role in increasing traffic safety awareness – all kinds of media outlets and on all levels in a wide variety of ways by pointing to specific problems, to black spots on the roads, the importance of [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 149

Information about violence against children and violent violence from aspect of media and legal strategic documents in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Autor: Osman N. JAŠAREVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: Considering that the important topics on children and young people in the media are especially treated, it is of particular importance to consider violence against children and peer violence that is getting more and more important from day to day because of its rudeness and violent popularity. Media editors and investigative journalists, more or less, are aware of the value and weight of such information and their wide-ranging potential to be read, viewed or heard. Therefore daily information about children who are victims of violence [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 181