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Cuvinte-cheie "Milan ŽARKOVIĆ"

Human Trafficking and Related Criminal Offences in the Criminal Legislation of the Republic of Serbia and Romania. From Incrimination to Present Day


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: As a global contemporary phenomenon, the criminal offense of human trafficking, due to its complexity and varsity of the phenomena, as well as the numerous modalities of recruitment, control and exploitation of victims, is becoming drastic in scales. The ever more severe consequences that impact the victims and the social community as a whole, demand an unequivocal, strong and synchronized response. Considering the fact that human trafficking, as a rule, is a regional or even a global problem that cannot be efficiently solved only [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 172

Managerial Role of the Public Prosecutor in Serbian PreInvestigation Proceedings: Myth or Reality?

Autor: Tanja KESIĆ, Milan ŽARKOVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2017

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Abstract: Managerial role of the public prosecutor in Serbian pre-investigation proceedings is one of the main characteristics of current Criminal Procedure Code. Passing the Criminal Procedure Code from 2011 the investigation has been transferred to the public prosecutor, who is in charge not only for the investigation, but has managerial role in the pre-investigation proceedings. He has become dominus litis of the whole preliminary proceedings. Therefore is important to perceive his powers and relationship with the police in the pre-investigation proceedings. The topic of this [vezi tot]

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