Autor: Marius Floare
Publicat în: Studia UBB nr. 4/2015
Disponibil online: aici.
Cuvinte-cheie: recurs în casație; procedură penală; neconstituționalitate; caracter echitabil;
noul Cod de Procedură Penală; Legea nr. 255/2013.
The Appeal on Points of Law in Criminal Procedure – An Extraordinary or an Elusive Appeal? Thoughts in Relation to the Decision no. 591/2015 of the Romanian Constitutional Court.
Abstract: This study contains observations on the restrictive character of the appeal on points of law in criminal procedure, as it is regulated by the new Code of Criminal Procedure, which came into force on February 1st, 2014, the way this statute was modified by the Law no. 255/2013, reflections [vezi tot]