Autor: Remus Jurj-Tudoran
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Cuvinte-cheie: legea nr. 535/2004; Directiva (UE) 2017/541; incriminarea actelor de terorism.
Abstract: After several attempts to criminalise terrorist acts in the Criminal Code, the first regulation of the terrorist crime was made in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, based on the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 141/2001. The legislation was completed by Law no. 535/2004, which was subsequently subject to several adaptations, in relation to the new factual realities.
The comparative analysis of the provisions of Law no. 535/2004 and those of the Directive (EU) 2017/541, highlights the [vezi tot]