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Cuvinte-cheie "Lamya-Diana Hărătău"

Self-defence in special situations (I)

Autor: Lamya-Diana HĂRĂTĂU

Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2015
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: In the reality of practical cases and in certain special situations, self-defence may present some complex forms consisting either in accidental amplification of the issue in fact when self-defence is claimed, or in the correlation in fact of self-defence to other cases which remove the criminal nature of act. For these reasons, we decided to analyse few of such special situations.
Keywords: self-defense, criminal nature, state authority, acts committed on fault, deviated counter…

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Vizualizări 187

Considerations on the material element of the objective side of the criminal offence of public order and tranquility disturbance, as provided in article 371 of the criminal code

Autor: Traian DIMA, Lamya – Diana HĂRĂTĂU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: These considerations are brought about by Decision no. 9 of 12 April 2016 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Panel for the settlement of matters of criminal law. The panel was called to rule on the following matter of criminal law: “whether the material element of the objective side of the criminal offence of public order and tranquility disturbance provided for in Article 371 of the Criminal Code needs to be directed at several individuals and [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 297

CARTE: Drept penal. Partea generală. Teste grilă pentru seminare, examene de an și licență

Autori: Traian Dima, Lamya-Diana Hărătău, Ioan-Mircea David

Anul apariției: 2021

Ediția: 3

Disponibil: aici

Descriere: Testele grilă reprezintă una dintre cele mai utilizate metode de verificare a cunoștințelor juridice ale unui student sau, mai departe, ale unui candidat la admiterea într-una dintre profesiile juridice. Așadar, nevoia de antrenament și de verificare continuă a informațiilor acumulate în domeniul dreptului penal, face necesară o nouă ediție a lucrării Drept penal. Partea generală. Teste grilă pentru seminare, examene de an și licență.

Ediția a treia vine în întâmpinarea celor interesați cu grile actualizate conform ultimelor modificări în materie, la care se adaugă un [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 202

Brief remarks on the importance of the material object in a criminal offence


Publicat în: Challenges of the knowledge society (CKS) 2021

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: In preparing this particular research, we aimed to put under scrutiny the concept of the material object by analysing it in special given situations, in connection to the criminal offences that are most frequently encountered in practice, and thus to underscore the importance of this concept as a factor in the evolution of the legal framework. The challenges that appear to be inherent when categorising criminal offences into conduct crimes and result crimes do not constitute a novelty in [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 167