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Cuvinte-cheie "Ioana Ursache"

Încadrarea juridică a fraudelor săvârșite prin intermediul platformelor de vânzări online – fraudă informatică sau înșelăciune?

Autor: Ioana URSACHE

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 4/2021

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Cuvinte-cheie: frauda informatică, fraudă, tehnologie avansată, sisteme informatice, date informatice.

Legal classification of frauds committed through online sales platforms – computer fraud or fraud?

Abstract: Over time, advanced technology has transformed us from being “satisfied” consumers to being “vulnerable” ones, and this has happened because the scale of attacks made by “invisible” thieves and swindlers, who want to benefit as much as possible by harming others in the virtual environment, has not been well anticipated. Modern society, in a continuous transformation, is trying to establish new rules and policies to [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 183

Principiul „ne bis in idem”. Importanța unei corecte interpretări și aplicări pentru menținerea spațiului de libertate, securitate și justiție în Uniunea Europeană. Hotărârile Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene din 29 aprilie 2021 și 12 mai 2021

Autor: Ioana URSACHE

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 3/2021

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Cuvinte-cheie: ne bis in idem, aceleași fapte, marja de apreciere, mandatul european de arestare, Decizia-cadru 2002/584/JAI.

The „ne bis in idem” principle. The importance of a correct interpretation and application for maintaining the area of freedom, security and justice in the European Union. Judgments of 29 April 2021 and 12 May 2021 of the Court of Justice of the European Union

Abstract: The „Ne bis in idem” is a principle of law which, regulated within the international legal instruments, guarantees not only the conduct of a fair trial in the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 241

Evaluarea psihologică versus expertiza psihologică judiciară. Temeiul juridic și importanța probatorie în procesul penal. Aspecte de practică judiciară

Autor: Ioana URSACHE

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020

Psychological evaluation versus forensic psychological expertise. Legal basis and importance of evidence in the criminal proceedings. Legal practice aspects

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Abstract: All magistrates involved in juvenile cases should „consider the level of maturity, vulnerability and mental capacity of the minor, whether as a juvenile who infringes the law, a victim or a witness.” (Yerevan Declaration regarding juvenile justice, adopted during the 5th plenary meeting of the CCPE, which took place in Yerevan – Armenia on 19-21 October 20101 ). Insufficient of the evidence, when it’s obvious, it should oblige the judiciary to analyze the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 716