Autori: Marius-Bogdan-Ionuț COMȘA, Florena-Esther STERSCHI

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 3/2020

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Cuvinte-cheie: disjungere, declinare, infracțiune concurentă, interpretarea probelor, independența procurorului, modul de soluționare al cauzei, rechizitoriu, revizuire.

The solution ordered by the prosecutor on the occasion of solving the criminal case resulting from the splitting ordered by the indictment drawn up by a prosecutor from a hierarchically superior prosecutor’s office, for a concurrent offence, may contain interpretations of evidence different from those contained in the initial indictment, which may be able to influence the manner the case is resolved in court

Abstract: The authors of the present study intend [vezi tot]