Autor: Petru Mustățeanu
Publicat în: 2015,
Disponibil online: aici.…
[vezi tot]Ultima actualizare:
octombrie 8, 2023
Autor: Cezar Cioacă
Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 11/2020
Articol disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: It is true that the average criminal is a person with a limited horizon, who out of habit, convenience or limited resources usually practices only one form of action; ordinary criminals specialize in a certain method of committing their crimes. In other words, criminals tend to commit their crimes in certain individual characteristic ways. The thief who forces the rear window with a „jemmy”, is usually limited to this method, while his brother in crime, being a thief, amplifies his skills in using specially designed [vezi tot]