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Cuvinte-cheie "Flaviu Ciopec"

Marja de apreciere a judecătorului penal în aplicarea confiscării extinse

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 1/2015

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The judge’s margin of appreciation in ruling upon extended confiscation in a criminal trial

Abstract: The institution of extended confiscation has inevitably entailed the change of some classical concepts of criminal law, being the expression of a particular way of achieving penal repression, in the context of the fight against organized crime and corruption. The extended confiscation mechanism implies resorting to vague notions, such as “the judge’s conviction” or “obvious disproportion” and using a lower evidentiary standard (indirect or circumstantial evidence) for proving the crime activities which led to the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 233

The New Romanian Code of Criminal Procedure

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2014

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Abstract: Starting with February 2014, Romania has the latest code of criminal procedure of Europe. A historical opportunity to overtake, adapt and elaborate a legislative work which would enjoy the latest solutions in a huge stake matter. The criminal justice represents to Romania a touchstone, often used in order to verify the progress we have been achieving as a state in the eyes of Europe. The present study aims at identifying the measure in which novelty at a formal level can be associated with efficient [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 171

The Approver in Corruption Cases: A Witness in His Own Trial?

Autor:  Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2014

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Vizualizări 174

Extended Confiscation. Repression and Beyond

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: In this study I would like to address a legal instrument used in the fight against economic crime. The stake for committing economic offences is the financial gain. An efficient penal policy against economic crime must aim at tracing, seizing and confiscating property derived from criminal activities. At the European level there is a constant concern for the elaboration and functioning of an efficient instrument, able to ensure the suppression of illegal gain. Legally speaking, there are several possibilities to achieve that goal: civil, administrative or criminal [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 196

New Trends in Adressing Corporate Crimes: Internal Investigations

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2019

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Abstract: The new provisions on the liability of legal entities have brought about a significant gain for criminal justice: companies could now be fined or subjected to penalties, often more severe than fines, i.e. dissolution, temporary suspension of activity or prohibition of participation in public tenders. Faced with sanctions that have the ability to alter the ultimate essence of a corporate milieu, alongside and outside the criminal justice process, internal control procedures have been put in place in order to take away a potentially criminal matter from the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 178

Disorganized Crime

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2015

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Abstract: The organized crime literature is vast, consisting of thousands of titles, expanding daily. Apart from that, many authors are not very explicit in the manner they use concepts, assuming that “we all understand what we mean when we talk about organized crime”. Therefore, after the predecessors’ attempts to create some order in the conceptual chaos surrounding the study of organized crime, one author has managed to draw attention to a long forgotten issue. This study is about the pioneer work of Peter Reuters and his approach to [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 181

Infracţiuni societare. Urmărire din oficiu sau la plângere prealabilă?

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Curierul Judiciar nr. 4/2016

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Rezumat: Noua legislație privind procesul penal, care a intrat în vigoare la 1 februarie 2014, a modificat în mod oficial regimul procedural al infracțiunilor incriminate de Legea Societăților nr. 31/1990. A abrogat textul referitor la urmărirea din oficiu a infracțiunilor menționate. Această modificare legislativă este supusă controverselor. Prima facie, regula din oficiu nu mai este în vigoare, un adevărat efect al desființării unei norme juridice. În consecință, cercetarea infracțiunilor trebuie să fie interzisă în lipsa plângerii victimei (un acționar al companiei, al companiei însăși sau al terțului afectat). Această concluzie logică este greu compatibilă cu principiul legalității, întrucât [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 272

Confiscating the Proceeds of Crime in Human Trafficking Cases in Romania

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: The cross-border dimension of human trafficking challenges the limits of the classic paradigm of criminal law. Fighting against such transnational crime involves cooperation between legal systems and harmonization of their legal instruments. The preset study aims at revealing one legal dimension of the strategy of combating trafficking in human beings in Romania. It will be shown the advantages of the
confiscation as an alternative instrument for tackling such offence and the mechanism of how the confiscation really works.

Key­words: confiscation; proceeds of crime; trafficking in human [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 210

Follow-the-Money! Criminal Confiscation in Economic Crime

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2015

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Abstract: Economic crime is profit­ driven in the sense that it aims at generating a wealth that did not exist before. The best method to neutralize such consistent, continuous and apparently available gain seems to be confiscation. The new sanction which affects the patrimony rather than the person is in accordance with the new penal philosophy: penalties shift from the author (in personam) towards the act or its effects (in rem). The new penal policy intends to approach such penalties more firmly and efficiently. In order to [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 229

Crime control or due process? Which are the tendencies in Romanian criminal justice?

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017

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Abstract: A few months ago, Romania celebrated three years since the enforcement of a new criminal legislation. In February 2014, after a long period of maturation, there came into force a new criminal code and a new criminal procedure code. Together, these legal instruments have aimed to transform the context of repression in Romania and to certify that the most modern solutions of criminal legislation are applied. This study focuses on a 3-year-perspective of the criminal procedure code (hereinafter the CPC) and tries to identify what are [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 175