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Cuvinte-cheie "drepturile omului"

Conţinutul constitutiv al infracţiunii de spălare de bani

Autor: Vali Ileana NIŢĂ

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 1/2015

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Constitutive content of the money laundering crime

Abstract: During the control of places, big attention it must be paid to the residence control, due to the fact that in the case of the residence control, one of the fundamental human rights is violated, precisely the inviolability of the residence.

Keywords: Procedure; Human Rights; control; residence; decision; constitution.…

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Vizualizări 176

Policy and Regulation of Immigration, Refugee and Asylum within the World Refugee Crisis – Challenges and Prospects


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: In accordance with the Constitution of BiH policy and the regulation of immigration, refugee and asylum is prescribed as one of the functions that are vital for the functioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a modern state, and which therefore falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of its state institutions. Of state institutions we will first mention the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees, which is responsible for the provision of organized collective accommodation of these persons in BiH. For this
purpose, qualified refugee center [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 137

Caracterul neconstituţional al unor prevederi din Legea de punere în aplicare a noului Cod de procedură penală

Autori: Valentina PREDA, Veronica DOBOZI

Publicat în: Curierul Judiciar nr. 4/2014

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Rezumat realizat de redacție: Articolul aduce în discuție concepția noii legi procesual penale conform căreia „apelul devine în cvasitotalitatea cazurilor singură cale de atac efectivă și devolutiva împotriva hotărârilor pronunțate în prima instanța de judecătorii și tribunale”. Este subliniat faptul că această nouă reglementare a modificat dramatic cursul proceselor începute sub imperiul vechiului Cod, cu consecință faptului că deciziile pronunțate în apel au devenit definitive și executorii, determinând încarcerarea imediată a persoanelor condamnate la pedeapsa închisorii cu executare.

Cuvinte-cheie: noul Cod de procedură penală; executarea închisorii; prezumția de nevinovăție; drepturile omului.

Unconstitutional character of certain [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 164

Dreptul martorului de a fi asistat de avocat

Autor: Adrian ȘANDRU

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 1/2018

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Cuvinte-cheie: dreptul la apărare; dreptul la un avocat; martor; procedură penală; urmărire penală; probe; drepturile omului;

The right of the witness to be assisted by a lawyer

Abstract: This article discusses a controversial topic in the doctrine and case law. Some may consider it to be irrelevant, arguing with vehemence that the witness in the criminal trial has only a series of obligations, not being recognized his genuine right to defence as well. That is precisely why the purpose of the article consists of a more [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 204

Particularităţi privind efectuarea percheziţiei corporale

Autor: Maria Murgescu

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr.8/2018

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Abstract: The following study describes the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code related to bodily
search activities. It aims to analyse the tactical and specifical procedural rules concerning the
procedural act of bodily search in accordance with ethical and professional standards and with
fundamental rights.

Keywords: bodily search, tactical rules, evidence, offense traces, fundamental rights…

[vezi tot]
Vizualizări 148

Incriminarea infracțiunilor contra libertății și integrității sexuale

Autor: Amelia DIACONESCU

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr.4/2018

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Abstract: Life and health represent social values which define the main attributes of the individual. The
life of the individual represents his social existence, fulfilling the possibility to participate to the social
relationships, to exercise the rights and interests and perform his obligations. Among the
fundamental rights and freedoms of the private entity we also count the ones regarding the sexual
freedom, namely the possibility that the individual, irrespective of his gender, decides alone for his
sexual life, without the fear that other persons can prevent him from taking advantage of this [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 163

Respectarea drepturilor omului în noua procedură penală – competența în luarea și menținerea arestării preventive

Autor: Petruţ-Marian TUDORAŞCU

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 8/2015

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Titlul lucrării în engleză: Observance of human rights in the new criminal procedure – jurisdiction in taking and maintaining the preventive arrest

Abstract: The article examines the compliance of human rights in criminal proceedings of taking and maintaining preventive arrest by the fact that when it calls or maintaining a preventive measure against the suspect, there must be a reasonable suspicion of committing the crime and the belief of the judge in this regard. It examines the possible violation of the presumption of innocence and the procedural rights provided that the same [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 137

Exploatarea unei persoane în contextul actualelor dispoziții ale Codului penal

Autor: Codruț OLARU

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 9/2015

Disponibil onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Exploitation of an individual in the context of the applicable provisions of the Criminal Code

Abstract: Trafficking in human beings, as a national and transnational crime phenomenon, constitutes a major violation of human rights, an infringement of human dignity and integrity, but also a threat to the security of the individual, social and moral values.

This type of crime directly affects the individual, the direct impact it has on one of the fundamental human rights – individual freedom – but at the same time, the society supports the negative [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 140

Terrorism and Human Rights

Autor: László KŐHALMI

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: In determining the legal framework of the battle against terrorism, there are decisively two prevailing viewpoints that are excluding each other in principle. According to one, the phenomenon cannot be dealt with in the normal framework of constitutional democracy, and thus, it requires an exceptional legal order and the waging of war. The representatives of the other viewpoint claim the opposite. We need to insist on our moral judgment that the perpetrators of acts of terrorism are not belligerents, but criminals – although the motivation behind [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 127

Terrorism and Human Rights

Autor: Csaba CSÁNYI

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: Terrorism is not a recent problem nor it is a novelty for governments to intervene in people’s everyday life due to the possible threats that terrorism signifies. As opposed to this, it is only as of late that safety has come into focus on a worldwide level, which can be explained by the ever-growing ubiquitous presence of modern terrorism.

Keywords: terrorism; human rights; possible threats; governments.…

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Vizualizări 124