Autor: Hunor Kádár

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 4/2014

Disponibil onlineaici.

Cuvinte-cheie: declaraţii extrajudiciare; Regula Probelor din Auzite; Regulile Federale de
Admisibilitate a Probelor; Excepţii de la Regula Probelor din Auzite; Clauza de Confruntare.

The legal system of hearsay evidence in the legislation of the United States of
America. Legal proposals for the regulation of hearsay evidence in the Romanian Code of
Criminal Procedure

Abstract:  In the present paper the author undertakes a detailed analysis of the Hearsay Rule, an uncommon legal procedure in the continental legal systems, but which benefits from a very rigorous and well elaborated corpus of regulations under the Federal Rules of [vezi tot]