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Cuvinte-cheie "Darian Rakitovan"

Extended Confiscation – Sui generis Measure!

Autor: Darian RAKITOVAN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: Even though it is a theoretical question, determining the juridical nature of a juridical institute is in many situations of practical importance. Even so, when this question is being asked regarding the extended confiscation measure – the answer is not easy to be given. More, it seems that all the problems concerning the juridical regulation of this measure start with the above-mentioned determination of its nature. The answer to the question why the juridical nature of this institute is so controversial hides within the numerous specific points [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 171

The Digital World Affecting Children Rights and The Affects of Internet Governance


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: In today’s modern world everybody uses the new technologies to communicate across the globe. Children from very young age use I-pads or smart phones to play, learn new things, communicate but not all the information or graphic imagery that is on the internet is good for them. Adults can distinguish and can choose what is appropriate and good. But can children distinguish the dangers that are on the internet? Can they decide for themselves and be protected from the online influences and information? The UN [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 226

Human Trafficking and Related Criminal Offences in the Criminal Legislation of the Republic of Serbia and Romania. From Incrimination to Present Day


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: As a global contemporary phenomenon, the criminal offense of human trafficking, due to its complexity and varsity of the phenomena, as well as the numerous modalities of recruitment, control and exploitation of victims, is becoming drastic in scales. The ever more severe consequences that impact the victims and the social community as a whole, demand an unequivocal, strong and synchronized response. Considering the fact that human trafficking, as a rule, is a regional or even a global problem that cannot be efficiently solved only [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 150

Criminal Offense of Embezzlement in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia. Specifics of Detection and Proving

Autor: Darian RAKITOVAN, Aleksandra DABIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2015

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Abstract: “Economic crime” is a very broad term that includes a whole range of offenses and as such is one of the most complex and most perfidious crime phenomena. Among the offenses covered by this term is the criminal act of embezzlement. In the disclosure, and proving in particular of criminal offenses from the group of so­called “economic crime”, due to their complexity and diversity of the forms of manifestation, the authorities face serious difficulties which significantly complicates their suppression. The subject of this [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 169

Conduct of courts in south Banat District in criminal cases of medical malpractice from Art. 251 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2018

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Abstract: In this paper, the authors deal with the issue of legal protection provided by criminal law in the Republic of Serbia in regards to the jeopardizing of or causing injury to the health of patients that occur due to doctors’ malpractice in conducting their duty. Apart from the overview of the legal provisions regulating this area, by examining the practice of the courts of the Republic of Serbia in South Banat district, we shall see the extent to which criminal law has proven to [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 154

Comparative Review of the Role and Authorisations of Investigative Judge According to Previous Criminal Procedure Code and the Role and Authorisations of Preliminary Procedings Judge According to the Current Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Serbia – a Step Forwards or a Step Backwards?

Autor: Darian RAKITOVAN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2017

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Abstract: The reform of the criminal procedural legislation in the Republic of Serbia was commenced in 2001, by adopting the Criminal Procedure Code used until the current CPC entered into force. Through this reform, the legislator wanted to create a normative basis for a more efficient criminal procedure by incorporating simplified forms and a different concept of processing criminal matters. However, this process did not go as smoothly. During all these years, the amendments to the procedural norms happened very frequently, which is not, and should not [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 129

CARTE: Criminalitatea organizată în legislația penală a Republicii Serbia și a României

Autori: Darian Rakitovan

Editura: Universul Juridic

Anul apariției: 2018

Ediția: 1

Disponibil: aici

Descriere: Cartea este de certă importanță și actualitate în contextul în care sistemele penale ale României și Serbiei sunt confruntate cu fenomenul criminalității organizate și au fost puse în fața necesității de a găsi mijloace eficiente în lupta pentru prevenirea și combaterea unor asemenea manifestări infracționale complexe, dar care să respecte totodată exigențele internaționale și naționale pentru apărarea drepturilor omului.

O asemenea lucrare cu elemente de drept comparat ajută la o mai bună cunoaștere a sistemelor juridice ale statelor care ne înconjoară, facilitând cooperarea juridică internațională în combaterea formelor transfrontaliere ale criminalității organizate.

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Vizualizări 191