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Cuvinte-cheie "cyber crime"

Crimes in Connection with Cryptocurrencies

Autor: Dávid TÓTH

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2019

Revistă disponibilăaici.

Abstract: The aim of the article is analyzing the criminological aspects of cryptocurrency crimes. The use of cryptocurrencies as a payment method is a relatively new social phenomenon, and criminals have found different ways to misuse them. In many countries – like in Hungary – cryptocurrencies are existing in a legal grey area and they are not valued as an official payment method or not even a cash-substitute payment instrument. As a result of this if somebody counterfeits a cryptocurrency that would not be valued as the crime [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 176

Percheziția informatică în mediul Cloud Computing

Autor: Bogdan-Alexandru URS
Publicat în:
Revista Dreptul nr. 11/2019
Revistă disponibilă online:
Computer search and seizure in the Cloud Computing environment
Cloud Computing is considered one of the most significant advances in information technology. Specialists agree that in a matter of a few years, almost all data will be in the Cloud. The field of digital forensics has grown rapidly over the last decade due to the rise of the Internet associated crimes and different frauds. Cloud forensics is the process of identifying, preserving, analyzing and presenting digital evidence in a manner [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 168