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Cuvinte-cheie "criminal liability"

Trecerea frauduloasă a frontierei de stat în reglementarea noului Cod penal

Autor: Mirela GORUNESCU

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr.3/2016

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Titlul lucrării în engleză: Illegal crossing of the state border in the regulation of the new Criminal Code

Abstract: This study deals with the issues related to the regulation included in Article 262 of the new Criminal Code of Romania. The author notes that, as compared to the regulation prior to the entry into force of the new Criminal Code, the taking over in this Code of the norm of incrimination previously included in Article 70 of the Government Emergency Ordinance No 105/2001 on the state border of Romania has been preferred as [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 166

Infracțiunea de abuz în serviciu în Proiectul de lege privind modificarea Codului penal și Codului de procedură penală întocmit de Ministerul Justiției

Autor: Gheorghe DOBRICAN

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 7/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Offence of abuse of office in the Draft law on the amendment of the Criminal Code and of the Criminal Procedure Code drawn up by the Ministry of Justice

Abstract: This study concerns the manner in which the abuse of office provided by Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code is presented in the Draft law drawn up by the Ministry of Justice, appreciating that the offence is defined simplistically and formally, without clarity, precision and predictability. According to the Draft law, any act of breach of the law, of [vezi tot]

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Infracțiunea de abuz în serviciu în Proiectul de lege privind modificarea Codului penal și a Codului de procedură penală întocmit de Ministerul Justiției

Autor: Gheorghe DOBRICAN

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 9/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Offence of abuse of office in the Draft law on the amendment of the Criminal Code and of the Criminal Procedure Code drawn up by the Ministry of Justice

Abstract: In the Draft law drawn up by the Ministry of Justice, the offence of abuse of office provided by Article 297 (1) of the Criminal Code is defined simplistically and formally, without clarity, precision and predictability. According to the Draft law, any act of breach of the law, of a Government Ordinance or of a Government Emergency Ordinance by a [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 197

Fapta putativă

Autor: Marian-Daniel BĂLAN

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 10/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: The putative deed

Abstract: The article proposes a discussion about the institution of the putative deed. Considering the fact that this institution does not know an explicit legal regulation, it gave rise to heated discussions in the specialized legal literature, which had not only a theoretical importance, but also a great practical importance. In the beginning of the presentation it is shown what is the correct name of this institution of criminal law, from the author’s perspective, arguing at the same time the opinion to which he understands to rally. [vezi tot]

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The influence of artificial intelligence on criminal liability

Autor: Maxim DOBRINOIU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2019
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: The nowadays deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its expected relatively rapid integration into various instances of the socio-economic or governmental life (e.g. household, health, industry, trade and so on) represent a great development opportunity for every nation, as well as a key element for the evolution of the mankind. The elements of AI have already started to take over certain human-type workouts or tasks, while it will take not so long until they will almost completely replace individuals in performing their [vezi tot]

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Water infestation as a crime under Romanian law

Autor: Sorin-Alexandru VERNEA
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2018
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the main theoretical issues concerning the enforcement of art. 356 of the Romanian Criminal Code, in regard to the protection granted by several special regulations that protect water resources. In order to establish a frame for the content of this article, its structure shall be divided into four parts. The first part will consist of an introduction, in order to establish the importance of this subject and its actual status in Criminal Law literature. The [vezi tot]

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Criminal liability of a legal entity according to Romanian Law no. 46/2008

Autor: Sorin-Alexandru VERNEA
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the main practical issues concerning the enforcement of Law no. 46/2008, in regard to the protection granted under the regulations of title VI, in the particular case when the perpetrator is a legal entity. In order to establish a frame for the content of this article, alongside the introduction, its structure shall be divided in three parts. The first part will point out the terminology used in Romanian Law no. 46/2008, which shall prove to [vezi tot]

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Theoretical and case-law considerations on the professional negligence of doctors that could result in criminal, not only civil, liability

Autor: Adrian HĂRĂTĂU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: In this study we aimed to analyze guilt, in the form of negligence, that is governed in Romanian criminal laws in Article 16 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Code, as follows: “An offence is perpetrated in negligence when the offender: a) foresees the outcome of his actions but does not accept it, deeming that it is unlikely for it to occur; b) does not foresee the outcome of his actions, although he should and could have.” This form of guilt applies in the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 169