Autor: Răzvan DOSEANU
Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 9/2015
Disponibil online: aici.
Titlul lucrării în engleză: Crime of bribery
Abstract: In this study, the author describes the crime of bribery, as regulated in the Criminal Code.
The structure and the content of the study reveal the comments upon the issues of novelty in the regulation of the crime, upon the prerequisites, upon the constituent content, upon the forms of crimes considering, in the light of the above, the doctrine developed by important names in the field of law (M. Udroiu, G. Caian, A. Filipaș, C.-F. Ușvat, O. Loghin, T. Toader, V. Dobrinoiu, V. Dongoroz, K. [vezi tot]