Autor: Mihai Adrian Hotca
Publicat în: 2015,
Disponibil online: aici.…
[vezi tot]Ultima actualizare:
octombrie 8, 2023
Autor: Nicolae-Alexandru Moiceanu, Mihai-Costin Toader
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Cuvinte-cheie: confiscarea extinsă; investigație financiară; măsură de siguranță; legea română de procedură penală
Abstract: In this study, the authors debate the practical way of implementation of the extended confiscation, measure of safety representing the exclusive attribute of the court instance, starting from the judicial nature of this sanction of criminal law which is not sliced into doctrinaire or jurisprudence law. At the same time, they tried to find an acceptable definition of the procedural instrument (the financial investigation) based on which it may be found the incidence of the [vezi tot]
Autor: Adrian Stan
Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr.2/2019.
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: A relatively new institution in Romanian criminal law, adopted only as a result of the
imperative of transposing the numerous international and community legal instruments of the last
decades, the institution of „extended confiscation” or „confiscation without conviction” has hardly
found its place in our legal system, said that it conflicts with some constitutional principles of
tradition from which it is not possible to derogate. So, on the one hand, the Romanian State has to
respect its international commitments and, on the other hand, not to overcome some of the rights [vezi tot]