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Cuvinte-cheie "conducerea unui vehicul sub influența alcoolului sau a altor substanțe"

Practice problems concerning the interpretation and application of the art. 336 para. 1 provisions of the Romanian Penal Code

Autor: Adinan Halil

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2019

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The author debates some practical problems arising from Romanian penal legislation as conditioning criminal act of pure alcohol concentration in blood at the time the vehicle has been driven on public roads and not from the time of taking biological samples, or the obligation of the retroactive calculation and the establishment of the alcoholic drink from the moment of driving the vehicle on public roads.

Keywords: alcohol concentration; driving a vehicle; biological samples; traffic safety.

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Vizualizări 205

Unele aspecte teoretice și practice privind infracțiunea de conducere a unui vehicul sub influența alcoolului sau a altor substanțe

Autor: Dan Cristian TĂTAR

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2021

Disponibil onlineaici

Cuvinte-cheie: art. 336 C.pen., alcool, substanțe psihoactive, conducerea unui vehicul sub influența alcoolului sau a altor substanțe.

Some theoretical and practical aspects regarding the crime of driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or other substances

Abstract: In the present material the author presents some theoretical and practical aspects regarding art. 336 of the new Criminal Code in Romania which entered into force on February 1, 2014. The criminal acts inserted in Title VII – Chapter II of the code are presented, respectively the eight offenses [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 203