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Cuvinte-cheie "combaterea terorismului"

The Danger of Islamic Terrorism in Romania

Autor: Ioana Celina PAŞCA

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Vizualizări 152

Rehabilitating Terrorists

Autor: Gary HILL

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: Can Jihadis be rehabilitated? Is it possible to ‘de-radicalize’ terrorists? This article will look
at what some prison systems around the world are doing to answer those questions. The research, like the programs, is still in its infancy, so no firm conclusion is possible. However, initial signs indicate that correctional systems have a part to play in the de-radicalization of terrorists and thus could be a contributor to the fight against terrorism.

Keywords: terrorists; prison systems; correctional systems; fight against terrorism.…

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Vizualizări 216

Terrorism and Human Rights

Autor: László KŐHALMI

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: In determining the legal framework of the battle against terrorism, there are decisively two prevailing viewpoints that are excluding each other in principle. According to one, the phenomenon cannot be dealt with in the normal framework of constitutional democracy, and thus, it requires an exceptional legal order and the waging of war. The representatives of the other viewpoint claim the opposite. We need to insist on our moral judgment that the perpetrators of acts of terrorism are not belligerents, but criminals – although the motivation behind [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 125

Knowledge driven framework for realization of proactive criminalistics investigation in combating terrorism and organized crime in Montenegro with special focus on interception, collection and recording computer data

Autor: Velimir RAKOČEVIĆ, Zoran PAVLOVIĆ, Aleksandar R. IVANOVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017

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Abstract: The purpose of this work is to articulate a set of interlinked research propositions about knowledge management systems in relation to so-called proactive criminalistics investigations in the field of prevention and combating against serious sort of crime such as organized crime and terrorism. Moreover, this paper addresses missing links in literature between “know-what“ and „know-how“ in relationships between knowledge management systems and proactive criminalistics investigations, with special attention to use of information and technology to effectively create, apply, and [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 118