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octombrie 8, 2023

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Cuvinte-cheie "apel"

Procedural issues in the preventive detention field

Autor: Alexandru Porof

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2015

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The preventive measures are institutions of penal law procedures with a nature of constraint. The purpose of the preventive measures is to ensure that the penal trial is well carried out, or to prevent the suspect’s or defendant’s avoidance of legal prosecution, trial or sentence, or to prevent new crimes.

Keywords: preventive measures; defendant; judge of rights and liberties; court; appeal.

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Vizualizări 200

Comparative aspects regarding the settlement under the code of criminal procedure of 1969 by the high court of cassation and justice of an appeal against an unreasoned conviction sentence delivered by the court of appeal subsequent to the acquittal decision issued by the trial court

Mircea Constantin SINESCU

Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2015
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: This article examines, in relation to the national law (the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1969) and the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, the judgment of an appeal filed against an unreasoned sentencing decision delivered by the appellate court subsequent to a decision for acquittal rendered by the first-instance court (trial court). The article approaches this issue in light of the domestic and the international case law, with a highlight on several sentences that are deemed illegal due to their [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 214

Apel declarat de partea civilă sau de partea responsabilă civilmente. Efect devolutiv

Autor: Cristian-Valentin ȘTEFAN

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 3/2014

Disponibil onlineaici.

Rezumat: În apelul declarat de partea civilă sau de partea responsabilă civilmente, nemotivat în termenul de apel, instanța de control judiciar are obligația de a analiza soluția pe care prima instanță a pronunțat-o inclusiv în latura penală a cauzei. Concluzia subzistă, chiar dacă, ulterior expirării termenului, apelantul invocă motive care privesc numai latura civilă. Temeiul acestei obligații este efectul devolutiv al apelului.

(C.A. Târgu Mureș, secția penală, decizia nr. 30/A/27.02.2014;

C.A. Târgu Mureș, secția penală, decizia nr. 32/A/28.02.2014)

Cuvinte-cheie: apel; partea civilă; partea responsabilă civilmente; efect devolutiv.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Appeal [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 339

Dreptul suspectului/inculpatului de a nu da declarații în procesul penal

Autor: Alexandra Delia SABĂU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 4/2021

Disponibil onlineaici

Cuvinte-cheie: dreptul de a nu se autoincrimina, procedura de arestare, jurisprudență română, Curtea Europeană a Drepturilor Omului, apel.

The right of the suspect/defendant not to testify during the criminal proceedings

Abstract: This article presents the accused’s right to remain silent and how this principle is reflected in our jurisprudence in different situations and in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights.

Keywords: right to remain silent, arrest procedure, Romanian jurisprudence, European Court of Human Rights, appeal.…

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Vizualizări 352

Reformatio in pejus. Extinderea efectului devolutiv al unei declarații de apel a acuzării. Efecte ale recentei Decizii pronunțate de Curtea Constituțională

Autor: Adrian Stan

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 4/2021

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: Non reformatio in pejus, i.e. the principle of non aggravation the legal situation in its own appeal, is one of the oldest principles of the criminal trial. And it’s understandable why. Failure to recognise it would give full freedom to the courts in an appeal brought in favour, to give the contrary effect to those referred to by the party.
In our brief observations, we tried to observe some possible effects of the recent Romanian Constitutional Court Decision (from 7 april 2021) regarding to this [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 180