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Cuvinte-cheie "Acordul de recunoaștere a vinovăției"

Analiza comparativă: Acordul de recunoaștere a vinovăției și cercetarea abreviată în procedura recunoașterii învinuirii. Particularități. Aspecte jurisprudențiale (I)

Autor: Anjie-Diana GOH

Publicat în: 2020, JURIDICE.ro

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Vizualizări 216

Acordul de recunoaștere a vinovăției. Aspecte procesuale ce au rezultat din practica judiciară pentru situații ce nu sunt prevăzute de dispozițiile legale

Autor: Bogdan Buneci

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 12/2020

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The agreement on admission of guilt is a special procedure introduced in the Code of Criminal Procedure, which entered into force on 1 February 2014. Through this procedure, the legislator sought to ensure the access of litigants to simpler means and procedural forms, and where there are no derogating rules, the rules of ordinary procedure will apply. The application in practice of this procedure has proved that there are no legal provisions to cover certain situations, such as finding the cases that prevent the initiation [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 170

Standardul suficienței probelor și necompetența funcțională a instanței de verificare a legalității și loialității administrării probelor în procedura omologării acordului de recunoaștere a vinovăției

Autor: Maria-Magdalena Bârsan, Mălina-Alexandra Șerban

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 10/2020

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The special procedure of the admission of guilt agreement is an actual issue which entails a radical change of the Romanian criminal trial; it is regulated with the purpose of reducing the duration of criminal trials, simplifying the activity of criminal prosecution and reducing the costs for all parties of the trial and the Romanian state.
Thus, according to article 480 second alignment of the Criminal Procedure Code, the agreement can only be concluded when there is enough proof to suggest that the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 193

Aspecte de drept comparat referitoare la acordul de recunoaștere a vinovăției în procesul penal

Autor: Ioana Păcurariu

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 9/2020

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The present article aims to examine the status of the admission of guilt agreement in the Roman-German legal system, such as in the countries of France, Italy and Germany, as well as in the Anglo-Saxon legal system, such as in the United Kingdom.
At the same time, the article sets out the situation of the admission of guilt in the criminal justice of the United States of America, which has a special feature when it comes to negotiated justice.

Keywords: admission of guilt agreement, prosecutor, defendant, [vezi tot]

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Îmbunătățirea mecanismului procesual de soluționare a cauzelor penale prin încheierea unui acord de recunoaștere a vinovăției. Evoluția reglementării

Autor: Maria-Magdalena Bârsan, Mălina-Alexandra Șerban

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 6/2020

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The article aims to present the admission of guilt agreement, by pointing out the successive legislative changes which occurred on a national level, thus leading to an increased efficiency of the practical enforcement of this institution. We also believe that the legislative changes determined the creation of a more efficient legal background for the solving of criminal cases, thus a novelty element, but also a challenge for the national criminal justice. Also, we must notice that, by the above mentioned examples, this legal [vezi tot]

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Respectarea condițiilor acordului de recunoaștere a vinovăției

Autor: Alexandru Podlesnii, Maria-Magdalena Bârsan

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 5/2021

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The criminal procedural law regulates the conditions which must be cumulatively met, in agreement with all procedural provisions, in order to conclude an admission of guilt agreement. We conclude that, if any of these conditions is not met, the court of law will reject the admission of guilt agreement. In regard to the abbreviated procedure before the court of law, the lawyer must inform the plaintiff that the admission of guilt agreement will benefit him the following manner: a substantial benefit entails the [vezi tot]

Vizualizări 188

C-467/19 PPU. Prezumţia de nevinovăţie. Acordul încheiat între procuror şi autorul unei infracţiuni. Impactul Directivei 2016/343/UE asupra dreptului procesual penal şi inaplicabilitatea Cartei DFUE. Pertinenţa şi pentru România din perspectiva coinculpaţilor

Autor: Mihaela MAZILU-BABEL

Publicat în: Pandectele Române nr. 3/2020

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Vizualizări 175