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Drept penal. Partea generală
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Brief Analysis of the Fine Penalty Settlement in the New Romanian Penal Code

Autor: Daniel NIȚU

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2015

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Abstract: In this study, the author briefly sets out the manner in which the new Romanian Penal Code, in force since 1 February 2014, regulates the institution of the principal penalty of fine. In a constant comparison to the corresponding provisions of the previously Criminal Code it is shown the specific of the fine under the new legislation, which now consists of dayfine institution after the model of some evolved systems of comparative criminal law. By analyzing how the fine will be determined, the author concludes that the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 199

Romania’s New Penal Code and the Saga of its  Adoption

Autor: Viorel PAȘCA

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2014

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Abstract: The decision to proceed to the drafting of a new Penal Code was not a mere manifestation of the political will, but equally represented a corollary of the economic and social evolution and also of the doctrine and caselaw And was based on a series of shortcomings in the regulation of the 1968 Penal Code. A very important role in the harmonization of the legislation with the constitutional provisions has been played by the Constitutional Court, both through its a priori and a posteriori judicial review, [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 195

Involving of Artificial Intelligence in committing a crime as a challenge to the Criminal Law of the Republic of Serbia

Autor: Aleksandar R. IVANOVIC,  Zoran S. PAVLOVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2018

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Abstract: The present study emphasizes the question of the involvement of artificial intelligence in the commission of the criminal offense and the establishment of criminal responsibility as a challenge for the criminal parasite of the Republic of Serbia in these situations. Namely, first an explanation of the notion of artificial intelligence is given followed by an overview of the basic models of these systems. After that, possible abuses of the Artificial Intelligence systems are presented, as well as the involvement of the artificial intelligence [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 267

Criminal Liability of Legal Persons. History, Evolution and Trends in Romanian Criminal Law

Autor: Laura STĂNILĂ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2014

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Abstract: The issue of criminal liability of legal persons is a new challenge on the “ramparts ” of Romanian doctrinal debates, but brings to the fore long forgotten theories and conflicts settled long time ago. Amid the express consecration by Romanian legislator of the criminal liability of legal persons institution, debates on the fundament of this form of liability and on possible explanations concerning the criminal liability of a collective subject of law restarted. Tributary to the principle of subjective criminal liability and to the adagio “societas [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 186

Prescripția răspunderii penale în interpretarea legii penale mai favorabile

Autor: Mircea PETRESCU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2018

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Cuvinte-cheie: Codul Penal; legea penală mai favorabilă; prescripția răspunderii penale; vechiul Cod Penal.

Abstract: The author analyzes the issue of statutory limitation of criminal liability under the more favorable criminal law, highlighting the viewpoints expressed in the doctrine and arguing for his / her own opinion.

Keywords: the Criminal code in force; the more favorable criminal law; the statutory limitation of criminal liability; the old Criminal code.…

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0 Vizualizări 216

Scurte consideraţii referitoare la efectele unei cereri de consimţământ, în baza principiului specialităţii în materia extrădării, asupra cursului prescripţiei răspunderii penale

Autor: Daniela DEDIU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2018

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Cuvinte-cheie: consimțământ; extrădare; prescripția răspunderii penale; principiul specialității.

Abstract: The author analyzes the effects that a request for consent addressed to the requested state by the Romanian authorities for the prosecution of the extradited person has on the course of the statutory limitation of criminal liability, while arguing for his/her own opinion at the same time.

Keywords: consent; extradition; statutory limitation of criminal liability; specialty principle.…

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0 Vizualizări 183

Competența Direcției Generale Anticorupție de a efectua acte de cercetare penală

Autor: Justina CONDOIU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2018

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Cuvinte-cheie: Codul Penal în vigoare; legea penală mai favorabilă; prescripția răspunderii penale; vechiul Cod Penal.

Abstract: The author analyzes issues relating to the competence of the General Anticorruption Directorate to carry out criminal inquiries, presenting the viewpoints expressed in the matter and arguing for her own opinion.

Keywords: the Criminal Code in force; the more favorable criminal law; the statutory limitation of criminal liability; the old Criminal Code.…

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0 Vizualizări 160

Infracțiunea prevăzută în art. 16 din Legea nr. 194/2011 privind combaterea operaţiunilor cu produse susceptibile de a avea efecte psihoactive, altele decât cele prevăzute de acte normative în vigoare

Autor: Simona RUSU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2018

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Cuvinte-cheie: infracțiune; Legea nr. 194/2011 privind combaterea operațiunilor cu produse susceptibile de a avea efecte psihoactive, altele decât cele prevăzute de acte normative în vigoare.

Abstract: The author analyzes the offense provided in art. 16 of Law no. 194/2011 on combating operations with products susceptible to psychoactive effects, other than those stipulated by the normative acts in force, presenting some opinions expressed in the matter and arguing its own point of view.

Keywords: offense; Law no. 194/2011 on combating operations with products susceptible to psychoactive effects, other than those provided by the normative acts [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 209

Despre mit, ca fundament al credinței în justiție

Autor: Simona FROLU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 3/2018

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Cuvinte-cheie: mit; model; instituție judiciară; sistem judiciar; profesionalism; dezvoltare instituțională.

Abstract: In a confused society, almost without value points, the need of a model is more current than ever. This imperative is experienced also at the level of the judicial system which is looking for its vectors of visibility, in the benchmarking of the creator path of the transformation.

Keywords: myth; model; judicial institution; judicial system; professionalism; institutional development.

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0 Vizualizări 198

Aplicarea legii penale mai favorabile, în temeiul art. 5 din noul Cod penal, în ipoteza unui concurs de infracțiuni, dintre care unele sunt prevăzute în acest cod, iar altele, în legi speciale

Autor: Ana-Maria Pîrvu

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 4/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: aplicarea legii penale mai favorabile; concurs de infracțiuni

Abstract: In the article, the author presents a hypothetical situation regarding the application of the more favorable criminal law, according to the provisions of art. 5 of the new Criminal Code, in the case of concurrent offences, some of which are stipulated in this code, and some in special laws, finally expressing their opinion on the issues addressed.

Keywords: application of more favorable criminal law; concurrent offences…

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0 Vizualizări 206