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Drept penal. Partea generală
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Violența în familie. Posibilitatea continuării urmăririi penale, în pofida retragerii plângerii prealabile sau a împăcării

Autor: Ana-Maria Pîrvu

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: împăcarea părților; retragerea plângerii preliminare; violență domestică.

Abstract: The author tackles a series of interesting aspects relating to domestic violence, with special reference to the possibility to continue the criminal prosecution despite the withdrawal of the preliminary complaint or the reconciliation of the parties.

Keywords: reconciliation of the parties; withdrawal of the preliminary complaint; domestic violence.…

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0 Vizualizări 234

Însuşirea retragerii plângerii prealabile şi a împăcării de către procuror

Autor: Daniela Dediu

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: cauzele care înlătură răspunderea penală; asimilarea plângerii prealabile și a împăcării de către procuror

Abstract: The institution of redrawing the preliminary complaint and the reconciliation by the prosecutor, being an innovation in the legislator of the New Procedure Code, has created in practice some problems of application, the author proposing a few interesting solutions, after making a brief analysis of the two causes that remove the criminal liability.

Keywords: the causes that remove the criminal liability; the assimilation of the preliminary complaint and of the reconciliation by the prosecutor…

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1 Vizualizări 424

Infracțiunea complexă în formă agravantă

Autor: Mari-Claudia Ivan

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: elementul circumstanțial agravant; infracțiunea; infracțiunea complexă în formă agravantă; unitatea legală de infracțiune

Abstract: In this study it is analyzed the complex offence in aggravated form, in an unique modality, indicating their features, among which: the judicial object and the material one, the premise situation, the immediate consequence, the causal link, as well as the subjective side, accompanied by their supplementary conditions.

Keywords: the aggravated circumstantial element; the offence; the complex offence in aggravated form; the legal unity of offence…

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0 Vizualizări 187

Corelaţia dintre confiscarea extinsă şi investigaţia financiară în procesul penal român

Autor: Nicolae-Alexandru Moiceanu, Mihai-Costin Toader

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: confiscarea extinsă; investigație financiară; măsură de siguranță; legea română de procedură penală

Abstract: In this study, the authors debate the practical way of implementation of the extended confiscation, measure of safety representing the exclusive attribute of the court instance, starting from the judicial nature of this sanction of criminal law which is not sliced into doctrinaire or jurisprudence law. At the same time, they tried to find an acceptable definition of the procedural instrument (the financial investigation) based on which it may be found the incidence of the [vezi tot]

1 Vizualizări 190

Scurte considerații asupra încadrării juridice a faptei constând în oferta de mită făcută, în aceeași împrejurare, mai multor funcționari publici

Autor: Daniela Peicu

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 3/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: bani; concurs de infracțiuni; beneficii; infracțiune continuă; subiect pasiv principal; subiect pasiv secundar; unitate naturală de infracțiune

Abstract: In the doctrine and judicial practice there are controversies regarding the judicial classification of the act of giving bribery in the hypothesis in which the bribe offer made, in the same circumstance, aims at many public clerks.

In the survey, the author concludes that it is imposed the retaining of a simple offence of giving bribery, taking into consideration that it was affected a social value – work relations –, there is [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 243

The System of Criminal Sanctions for Juvenile Offenders in the New Criminal Law of the Republic of Serbia from 2005

Autor: Dragan JOVAŠEVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

Revistă disponibilăaici.

Abstract: At the beginning of 2006, new system of juvenile criminal law (substantial, procedural and executive) entered into force in the Republic of Serbia. In that way, by completing the reform of its criminal laAt the beginning of 2006, new system of juvenile criminal law (substantial, procedural and executive) entered into force in the Republic of Serbia. In that way, by completing the reform of its criminal law, the Republic of Serbia followed the tendencies of contemporary criminal policies of other developed European countries (such as France, Germany, [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 188

Lawyers and Money laundering

Autor:  Flóra JÓZAN, László KŐHALMI

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: The European recommendations suggest that the lawyers are considered gatekeepers of money laundering, such persons who can contribute to the legalization of money acquired through illegal ways with their expertise in the area. The Hungarian legislation concerning money laundering that can potentially affect lawyers raise serious constitutional concerns on several points. It is increasingly common in the international legal practice, that a criminal proceeding is launched against a lawyer. These proceedings are often based on the assumption that the criminal defence lawyer has conducted [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 175

Statute of Limitations in the Polish Criminal Law

Autori: Paweł DANILUK, Michał LECIAK

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: The article discusses the problems of the statute of limitation in the Polish criminal law. It is a traditional institution of the Polish criminal law which repeal the punishment or enforceability of adjudicated penalties in connection with the passage of time. This article shows, among others, essence, the legal nature and the reasons for limitation, its constitutional conditions and the current regulatory approach in the Polish law. It takes into account the case-law of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Court. These bodies often [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 170

Extended Confiscation. Repression and Beyond

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: In this study I would like to address a legal instrument used in the fight against economic crime. The stake for committing economic offences is the financial gain. An efficient penal policy against economic crime must aim at tracing, seizing and confiscating property derived from criminal activities. At the European level there is a constant concern for the elaboration and functioning of an efficient instrument, able to ensure the suppression of illegal gain. Legally speaking, there are several possibilities to achieve that goal: civil, administrative or criminal [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 194

Extended Confiscation – Sui generis Measure!

Autor: Darian RAKITOVAN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

Revistă disponibilăaici.

Abstract: Even though it is a theoretical question, determining the juridical nature of a juridical institute is in many situations of practical importance. Even so, when this question is being asked regarding the extended confiscation measure – the answer is not easy to be given. More, it seems that all the problems concerning the juridical regulation of this measure start with the above-mentioned determination of its nature. The answer to the question why the juridical nature of this institute is so controversial hides within the numerous specific points [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 198