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Marja de apreciere a judecătorului penal în aplicarea confiscării extinse

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 1/2015

Disponibil onlineaici.

The judge’s margin of appreciation in ruling upon extended confiscation in a criminal trial

Abstract: The institution of extended confiscation has inevitably entailed the change of some classical concepts of criminal law, being the expression of a particular way of achieving penal repression, in the context of the fight against organized crime and corruption. The extended confiscation mechanism implies resorting to vague notions, such as “the judge’s conviction” or “obvious disproportion” and using a lower evidentiary standard (indirect or circumstantial evidence) for proving the crime activities which led to the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 180

The Constitutionality of Safeguards on Extended Confiscation

Autor: Tudorel TOADER, Marieta SAFTA

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2015

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Abstract: The extended confiscation has been recently enshrined in the Romanian criminal law. In the decisions delivered in this matter the Constitutional Court held that the norms of Criminal Code on extended confiscation are constitutional insofar they are not applied to acts committed and to assets acquired before the entry into force of Law no. 63/2012 amending and supplementing the Romanian Criminal Code and Law no. 286/2009 on the Criminal Code. This study offers an analysis from a constitutional point of view of safeguard on extended [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 157

Succinte observații privind regimul noilor modificări aduse Codului de procedură penală în materia măsurilor asigurătorii

Autor: Camelia Bogdan

Publicat în: 2018/JURIDICE.ro

Disponibil online: aici

Cuvinte-cheie: confiscare extinsă; infracțiune; produsul infracțiunii.…

[vezi tot]
0 Vizualizări 181

Succinte observații privind regimul noilor modificări aduse penal în materia confiscării extinse

Autor: Camelia Bogdan

Publicat în: 2018/JURIDICE.ro

Disponibil online: aici

Cuvinte-cheie: măsuri asigurătorii; confiscare extinsă; modificări.…

[vezi tot]
0 Vizualizări 157

Câteva repere privind aplicarea dispozițiilor relative la confiscarea extinsă

Autor: Mihai Adrian Hotca

Publicat în: 2015, JURIDICE.ro

Disponibil online: aici.

[vezi tot]
0 Vizualizări 132

Corelaţia dintre confiscarea extinsă şi investigaţia financiară în procesul penal român

Autor: Nicolae-Alexandru Moiceanu, Mihai-Costin Toader

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: confiscarea extinsă; investigație financiară; măsură de siguranță; legea română de procedură penală

Abstract: In this study, the authors debate the practical way of implementation of the extended confiscation, measure of safety representing the exclusive attribute of the court instance, starting from the judicial nature of this sanction of criminal law which is not sliced into doctrinaire or jurisprudence law. At the same time, they tried to find an acceptable definition of the procedural instrument (the financial investigation) based on which it may be found the incidence of the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 141

Extended Confiscation. Repression and Beyond

Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: In this study I would like to address a legal instrument used in the fight against economic crime. The stake for committing economic offences is the financial gain. An efficient penal policy against economic crime must aim at tracing, seizing and confiscating property derived from criminal activities. At the European level there is a constant concern for the elaboration and functioning of an efficient instrument, able to ensure the suppression of illegal gain. Legally speaking, there are several possibilities to achieve that goal: civil, administrative or criminal [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 145

Extended Confiscation – Sui generis Measure!

Autor: Darian RAKITOVAN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: Even though it is a theoretical question, determining the juridical nature of a juridical institute is in many situations of practical importance. Even so, when this question is being asked regarding the extended confiscation measure – the answer is not easy to be given. More, it seems that all the problems concerning the juridical regulation of this measure start with the above-mentioned determination of its nature. The answer to the question why the juridical nature of this institute is so controversial hides within the numerous specific points [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 152

Aplicarea măsurilor de siguranţă privind confiscarea specială şi confiscarea extinsă, precum şi a măsurii preventive a suspendării lichidării judiciare asupra debitorului persoană juridică aflat în insolvenţă

Autor: Marian BRATIȘ

Publicat în: Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor nr. 3/2017

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Rezumat: Legea nr. 85/2014 privind procedurile de prevenire a insolvenţei şi de insolvenţă se caracterizează prin specializarea, autonomia şi obiectul strict determinat al normelor sale reglementare. Totuşi, în procesul aplicării acestor reglementări, în special în cadrul devoluării procedurilor de insolvenţă, se constată numeroase conflicte, coliziuni şi necesare corelări cu alte norme legale, care tind să-şi asigure, după caz, primatul incidenţei în procedură, imperativul derogării de la normele insolvenţei, implementarea lor în condiţii egale cu cele ale procedurii insolvenţei sau chiar substituirea acestora din urmă. Astfel de incidente [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 197

The measure of extended confiscation and money laundering

Autor: Mohammad-Ali Rababah

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2014

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: Although the current legal framework allows for confiscation of corruption, due to the need to harmonize national legislation with EU states, was introduced by Law nr.63/2012 confiscation extended to them. How effective will this solution will be able to see when its application in relation to the Constitution. We will emphasize the fact that autonomous money laundering still needs to be successfully prosecuted in the case of a domestic predicate offence and we will adequately support the assumption why the Romanian legal authorities should take the adequate measures in order [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 155