Autor: Simona RUSU
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2018
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Cuvinte-cheie: infracțiune; Legea nr. 194/2011 privind combaterea operațiunilor cu produse susceptibile de a avea efecte psihoactive, altele decât cele prevăzute de acte normative în vigoare.
Abstract: The author analyzes the offense provided in art. 16 of Law no. 194/2011 on combating operations with products susceptible to psychoactive effects, other than those stipulated by the normative acts in force, presenting some opinions expressed in the matter and arguing its own point of view.
Keywords: offense; Law no. 194/2011 on combating operations with products susceptible to psychoactive effects, other than those provided by the normative acts [vezi tot]