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Traficul şi exploatarea persoanelor vulnerabile
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Organized Crime in Action: Trafficking of Human Cells, Tissues and Embryos in Romania

Autor: Laura STĂNILĂ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2015

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Abstract: In the context of impetuous debates on bioethical issues arising from biomedical and genetics research lines, the lack or inadequacy of national legislation to scientific reserch in the field of biogenetics facilitates the activity of organized crime. Organised crime detects new sources of income that can be obtained the easy way by harvesting surcharge of human cells, tissues or organs, by trafficking of human embryos, by selling such products to interested persons which can use them at their own will, for medical curative, research or industrial purposes. [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 202

In the Labyrinth of Pain There Is No Such Thing as Selected Victims: the Evolution of Trafficking in Human Beings’ Definition


Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: Defining phenomena has always been necessary for successful making of a general picture of what we encounter. If we have a definition it will be easier to encounter such phenomena, explain their internal structure, understand it and find out solutions for its suppression and prevention. Trafficking in human beings is only a small part of the phenomena for which international community still hasn’t formed a mutually acceptable definition. It must be admitted that forming a definition is a long process, process [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 197

Brief Considerations on the Human Trafficking and Trafficking Minors Delimitation ‐ Forms of Organized Crime

Autor: Ruxandra RĂDUCANU

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2015

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Abstract: The forms of organized crime are numerous, and the attempts of states to provide the means necessary to eradicate this phenomenon requires international cooperation of States in developing uniform regulations. The main objective of transnational and local groups involved in such activities is to obtain financial benefits. Trafficking in persons can be a form of organized crime, and its regulation in the Romanian legislation by Law no. 278/2001 and subsequent special part of the 2009 Criminal Code took account of international recommendations and regulations. This article seeks [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 225

Prevention and Combatting of Trafficking in  Persons

Autor: Livia SUMĂNARU

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2014

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Abstract: Human trafficking is a modern version of slavery, representing one of the most worrying problems of our current society. Far from being only a national phenomenon, human trafficking has reached a transnational, international level and, in the context of globalization, it continues to develop new dimensions that transform it in a malfeasant phenomenon, impossible to control, prevent or combat efficiently. Every year, more and more persons become victims of human trafficking, being treated as pieces of merchandise that can be sold and bought. These victims are, [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 184

The Romanian legal system for the protection of human trafficking victims

Autor: Ionica Sarkis

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2018

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Abstract: Today, nearly two decades after the commitment to maximize its efforts in the fight against human trafficking, Romania’s concrete actions to prevent and combat this crime, but especially the protection and assistance of the victims of this scourge, are still below the international minimum standard. This article aims at highlighting the successes – both small and great – achieved but also
the remaining challenges in protecting men, women and children who have fallen victim to this atrocious crime. This article will also analyse the progress that our country has made [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 171

Trafic de persoane și proxenetism. Exploatarea persoanei. Aspecte controversate. Problema concursului de infracțiuni

Autor: Alexandru FLOREA
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 5/2019
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Trafficking in persons and proxenetism. Exploitation of a person. Controversial issues. Matter of concurrence of offences
The present study is an analysis of the theoretical and recent judicial practice occasioned by the offences of trafficking in human beings and by proxenetism. His author has quoted relevant opinions from the specialized doctrine, succeeding in creating a complete picture of the two types of offences, and these elements were doubled by invoking some aspects of the judicial practice in the field. Some [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 251

Exploatarea unei persoane în contextul actualelor dispoziții ale Codului penal

Autor: Codruț OLARU

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 9/2015

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Titlul lucrării în engleză: Exploitation of an individual in the context of the applicable provisions of the Criminal Code

Abstract: Trafficking in human beings, as a national and transnational crime phenomenon, constitutes a major violation of human rights, an infringement of human dignity and integrity, but also a threat to the security of the individual, social and moral values.

This type of crime directly affects the individual, the direct impact it has on one of the fundamental human rights – individual freedom – but at the same time, the society supports the negative [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 169

Inside or Outside: Human Trafficking Flows and Changing Dimensions (the Case of the Republic of Macedonia)

Autor: Angelina STANOJOSKA

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: Human trafficking, like every other appearance, has adjusted its characteristics on the conditions and opportunities in modern world. Its normal functioning is directly dependent from possibilities in community. Starting from the fact that the phenomenon is a complicated criminal process, its research asks the crime to be analyzed from different aspects. All of those aspects refer to one side of the crime, connecting it with same or similar acts, leaving us possibilities to discuss the existence of synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Today’s form of human [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 235

Combating and Sanctioning Migration and Related Criminal Phenomena

Autor: Ruxandra RĂDUCANU

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: Due to the fact that migration has grown, it is necessary to establish the correct constitutive elements of the criminalization of migrant trafficking in the Romanian legislation, as well as the elements whereby this act differs from others with similar content, such as trafficking in persons or procuring, and setting up an organized criminal group. The main element is the social value that the legislature intended to protect by criminalizing the act, namely the state border, a value which prevails over the freedom of the individual [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 156

Trafficking in Human Beings in Serbia

Autor: Nenad RADOVIĆ, Aleksandar BOŠKOVIĆ, Zoran PAVLOVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016

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Abstract: Trafficking in human beings is a serious and very complex social problem. In the last fifteen years the international community has undertaken a number of significant steps in confronting this phenomenon. First, in the United Nations Convention against transnational crime i.e. in its additional protocol which refers to the prevention and combating trafficking in human beings, an Institute for trafficking in human beings was set which helped greatly to the certain countries to designate and identify this phenomenon in their national legislation [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 299