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Infracţiuni contra libertăţii şi integrităţii sexuale
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The consequences of crimes against victim’s sexual freedom and integrity

Autor: Andrada Nour

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2015

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: Once committed the crime, the victim suffer a whole series of consequences of psychological, social, physical and biological or material nature, which is why the passive subject of the offence, most of the time, no longer can return to living as if nothing had happened. Sometimes, of course, and depending on the nature of the offense, but also depending on the nature of the injury, the victims managed to overcome trauma, partially or even totally, but most of the time, the consequences are impossible to
repair. In the case of [vezi tot]

1 Vizualizări 145

Infracţiunea de act sexual cu un minor în reglementarea Noului Cod penal român

Autor: MOLOMAN Bogdan Dumitru
Publicat în: Pandectele Romane nr. 4/2015
Disponibil onlineaici.
Rezumat: Adoptarea şi intrarea în vigoare a Legii nr. 286/2009 privind Codul penal, presupune modificarea şi completarea unor texte de incriminare, în special a conţinutului constitutiv al unor infracţiuni. Printre modificările survenite, se înscriu şi cele care privesc infracţiunea de act sexual cu un minor.

După un scurt periplu prin vechile legiuiri române – începând cu dreptul feudal şi până la intrarea în vigoare a Noului Codul penal -, vom continua analiza infracţiunii de act sexual cu un minor aşa cum apare ea reglementată în Noul Cod penal, evidenţiind totodată noutăţile aduse de [vezi tot]

1 Vizualizări 947

ICT (Information and communication techonologies) based children’s protection in Serbia

Autor: Zoran PAVLOVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017

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Abstract: The ICT development has introduced a new form of violence among children and juveniles, generally described as cyber bullying, but also known as electronic violence, online violence, cyber violence et al. It is regularly manifested through the following pattern: sending the threatening, insulting, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate messages either directly to victims, or through the public announcements available to larger groups (social networks in particular). It also includes libels, indiscreet behavior and revealing one’s secrets, in the form of data, photos or videos, as well as the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 144

Amendments to the Criminal Offence of Rape in the Criminal Code of Serbia

Autor: Veljko DELIBAŠIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: After the introductory part, the paper points out to the essence of the criminal offence of rape that had been prescribed by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia with amendments made before the entry into force of the Criminal Code from the year 2005. Following that, a criminal offence prescribed by this code with amendments made by the end of the year 2016 is discussed. Each of the prescribed forms is analyzed separately, with analysis of intention and negligence of this criminal offence. Requirements [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 162

O nouă perspectivă asupra hărţuirii sexuale

Autor: Radu Răzvan POPESCU

Publicat în: Revista Română de Dreptul Muncii nr. 3/2014

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Rezumat: Hărţuire sexuală reprezintă acel comportament indezirabil are conotaţie sexuală şi se manifestă în mod fizic, verbal sau nonverbal, având ca efect sau obiect atingerea demnităţii persoanei şi crearea unui cadru intimidant, ostil, degradant, umilitor sau ofensator. Hărţuirea sexuală la locul de muncă este una din cele mai dificile probleme de rezolvat, la nivel european, deoarece în majoritatea situaţiilor există un raport de subordonare între cele două părţi – angajatorul având un ascendent asupra salariatului căruia îi este, în foarte multe cazuri teamă, să nu îşi pericliteze locul de muncă, [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 147

Criminalization of child pornography through information systems and grooming in compliance with European regulations

Autor: Adrian Cristian Moise

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2015

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Abstract: An analysis about the main legal regulations in the child pornography field at the level of the European Union is carried out in this study. At the same time, it is also carried out an analysis at the European level on other offences related to illegal content, such as the grooming (the offence to solicit children for sexual purposes through the information and communication technology), which is intended to mirror a more and more worrying, that of sexually abused children in meetings with adults they initially
met in the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 152

Aspecte teoretice și practice referitoare la infracțiunea de viol

Autor: Andriana Cotorobai

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr.5/2019.

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: Sexual violence is the most serious and influenceable form, in negative terms, of physical and
moral assault over any person. Rape occupies first place among the crimes regarding sexual life and
must be regarded as the characteristic crime for this group of crimes, representing the most serious
form of breach of social relations and ethical and moral values whose protection represents the
purpose of incrimination and punishment of crimes concerning sexual life. Taking into consideration
the fact that the success of any man is owed to a healthy psychic, which is irrepressibly [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 168

Incriminarea infracțiunilor contra libertății și integrității sexuale

Autor: Amelia DIACONESCU

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr.4/2018

Disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: Life and health represent social values which define the main attributes of the individual. The
life of the individual represents his social existence, fulfilling the possibility to participate to the social
relationships, to exercise the rights and interests and perform his obligations. Among the
fundamental rights and freedoms of the private entity we also count the ones regarding the sexual
freedom, namely the possibility that the individual, irrespective of his gender, decides alone for his
sexual life, without the fear that other persons can prevent him from taking advantage of this [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 151

Act sexual cu un minor. Ipoteza soțului ca membru de familie

Autor: Alexandra Pavel

Publicat în: Revista Themis nr. 1/2018

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: act sexual cu un minor; membru de familie; dreptul minorului de a se căsători.…

[vezi tot]
0 Vizualizări 167

The new concept of sex-crimes in Croatian criminal law

Autori: Igor VULETIĆ, Davor ŠIMUNIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017

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Abstract: The new Croatian Criminal Code entered into force on January 1 2013, introducing the new concept of sexual crimes into Croatian criminal law. The reform was, above all, motivated by the efforts of the legislator to follow international standards, especially the ones imposed by the European Union and Council of Europe. However, it is interesting that creators of the new Criminal Code did not follow the usual German model in the case of sex-crimes. Instead, they chose to model sex-crimes on the English example. [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 136