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Procedura în cauzele cu minori
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Infracţiunea de nerespectare a măsurilor privind încredinţarea minorului în reglementarea Noului Cod penal

Autor: MOLOMAN Bogdan Dumitru
Publicat în: Pandectele Romane nr. 11/2014
Disponibil onlineaici.
Rezumat: Existenţa unor situaţii conflictuale între părinţi sau între părinţi şi persoanele cărora le revine exercitarea autorităţii părinteşti sau la domiciliul cărora copilul minor are stabilită locuinţa – potrivit dispoziţiilor Noului Cod civil – a condus la apariţia unei infracţiuni cu o mare importanţă pentru minori, întrucât aceştia sunt retraşi din mediul familial şi social producându-le, uneori, prejudicii ireparabile.

În prezentul articol, autorul analizează infracţiunea de nerespectare a măsurilor privind încredinţarea minorului din perspectiva Noului Cod penal, plecând de la o prezentare succintă a acestei [vezi tot]

1 Vizualizări 489

The Preventive Patronage and the Criminal Procedure against Juveniles in Hungary

Autori: Herke CSONGOR, Herke­Fábos Barbara KATALIN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: The main rules of the procedure against juvenile offenders (subjects, evidence, circle of coercive measures, some particular rules of the procedure, special sanctions to be imposed against a juvenile). The proceeding of the preventive patronage. The placement of preventive patronage within the system of child protection.

Keywords: criminal procedures; preventive patronage; child protection. …

[vezi tot]
0 Vizualizări 194

The System of Criminal Sanctions for Juvenile Offenders in the New Criminal Law of the Republic of Serbia from 2005

Autor: Dragan JOVAŠEVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2016

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Abstract: At the beginning of 2006, new system of juvenile criminal law (substantial, procedural and executive) entered into force in the Republic of Serbia. In that way, by completing the reform of its criminal laAt the beginning of 2006, new system of juvenile criminal law (substantial, procedural and executive) entered into force in the Republic of Serbia. In that way, by completing the reform of its criminal law, the Republic of Serbia followed the tendencies of contemporary criminal policies of other developed European countries (such as France, Germany, [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 188

Probleme privind reprezentarea minorului victimă a infracțiunii de violență în familie

Autor: Gabriela-Aura FODOR

Publicat în: Revista de Dreptul Familiei nr. 2/2020

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Titlul lucrării în engleză: Issues regarding the representation of the child victim of domestic violence

Abstract: The child’s vulnerable position during a criminal trial is most evident when he is the victim of domestic violence and the aggressor is actually the person who should ensure his protection and should exercise the child’s right of access to justice. The current legislation has a series of mechanisms to ensure that the trial can be carried out without hinderance caused by the conflict of interests that exists between the child and his legal [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 307

The enforcement of educational measures without deprivation of liberty. Difficulties encountered in practice

Autor: Gabriela-Nicoleta CHIHAIA

Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2015
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: Since it’s entry into force in February 2014, the new criminal legislation has brought many new institutions in the field of criminal procedure. One of the most important changes is found in the matter of sanctioning of minors, which, as of this date, cannot receive imprisonment, but only educational measure, custodial or non-custodial. This article focuses on the first category of educational measures applicable to minors that purpotrate a crime, the ones that do not require a deprivation of personal freedoms under Art. 115 para. 1 [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 288

Medierea – proces restaurativ în cauzele cu minori

Autor: Gianina-Anemona RADU

Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 12/2017

Disponibil onlineaici.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: Mediation – a restorative process in the juvenile cases

Abstract: The debate over the future of the juveniles’ court and the juvenile justice system has been between proponents of a retributive philosophy and advocates of the traditional individual treatment mission. Both punitive approaches and those focused solely on treatment have failed to satisfy basic needs of crime victims, the community and offenders themselves. Neither offers hope for preserving a separate justice system for juveniles. This document outlines an alternative philosophy, restorative justice, and a new mission, the balanced approach, which [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 263

Protection of Minor’s Rights in the Romanian Criminal Trial

Autor: Laura STĂNILĂ, Adrian STAN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: The legal treatment of juvenile delinquents constitutes an issue raising several difficulties, regarding the age stated by the Romanian legislator for imposing criminal liability and, on the other hand, regarding their special requirements in the criminal trial. The comparative criminal law deals extensively with this issue. As a matter of fact, the legal aspects and difficulties of the criminal trial in case of minors are even more under debate in comparison with the aspects of criminal trial in case of adult perpetrators, the doctrine [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 219

Juvenile Prison Sentence in the Juvenile Law of the Republic of Serbia

Autor: Dragan JOVAŠEVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018

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Abstract: The idea, legal sources and major characteristics of contemporary juvenile criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia are the issues that have been analysed within this paper. Particularly, following the tendencies expressed in numerous international legal documents adopted lately beneath and within the United Nations Organization (The Convention on the Rights of the Child), as well as acts adopted by regional organizations (Council of Europe), The Republic of Serbia has adopted in 2005 specialized Law on Juvenile Criminal Offenders and Criminal Protection of Juveniles. That way, one [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 158

Perspectives on the application of diversion program measures within the criminal juvenile system of Serbia

Autor: Dragan OBRADOVIĆ

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017

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Abstract: In this paper, we briefly discuss who is considered a minor in terms of age in Serbia today under the applicable legal provisions, and which regulations apply to minors in conflict with the law. Special attention is focused on the implementation of diversion orders in the application of the provisions of the Law on Juvenile Offenders and Criminal Protection of Minors (hereinafter: LJ) as well as to the current prosecutorial or judicial practice of the existing official data. We have also pointed out some specifics and perspectives [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 154

CARTE: Sancțiunile aplicabile infractorilor minori

Autori: Andrei-Lucian PUȘCAȘU

Editura: Universul Juridic

Anul apariției: 2019

Ediția: 1

Disponibil: aici

Descriere: Prezenta lucrare este structurată în 6 capitole care sunt la rândul lor împărțite în secțiuni și alte subdiviziuni. Lucrarea debutează cu examinarea evoluției normelor de drept penal și drept procesual penal aplicabile delincvenților juvenili, deoarece am apreciat că analiza perspectivei istorice devine indispensabilă în măsura în care se dorește o mai buna înțelegere a măsurilor educative. În paginile dedicate studiului măsurilor educative neprivative de libertate, am constatat ca acestea au un caracter de noutate în legislația penala romana, reușind sa devina veritabile măsuri comunitare în accepțiunea dispozițiilor europene. Prin reglementarea măsurilor educative [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 271