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The psychologist as a potential subject of social impact on convicts

Autor: Darya IVINSKAYA

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, Supliment nr. 1/2022

Disponibil onlineaici.

Rezumat: One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the penal system is the number of crimes committed by repeat and recidivism. The commission of crimes repeatedly indicates a failure to achieve the goals of correction of convicts – readiness to lead a law-abiding lifestyle, and indicates ineffective resocialization and correction. The Penal Legislation of the Republic of Belarus provides for a system of basic means for the correction of convicts, which include established procedure for the execution and serving of punishment and other measures of [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 114

Tendințele politicii penale în Republica Moldova

Autor: Augustina BOLOCAN-HOLBAN, Mihaela VIDAICU

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, nr. 2/2016

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Rezumat: Politica penală a Republicii Moldova conține elemente atât de justiție retributive,  cât și de justiție restaurativă. Tendințele principale ale politicii penale care vor fi analizate în acest articol sunt: (1) incriminarea infracțiunilor și determinarea pedepselor, (2) aplicarea pedepselor și (3) executarea pedepselor. Autoritățile Republicii Moldova au declarat umanizarea pedepselor drept un obiectiv principal odată cu adoptarea Codului Penal din 2002. Revizuirea Codului Penal din 2008 a avut ca rezultat micșorarea limitelor minime și maxime ale pedepselor penale. Mai mult ca atât, pedepsele privative de [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 133

Câteva considerații de doctrină și practică judiciară privind răspunderea penală a persoanei juridice în lumina noului Cod penal

Autor: Ruxandra RÃDUCANU

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 1/2014

Disponibil online: aici.

Some considerations of doctrine and judicial practice concerning the criminal liability of legal person in the light of New Criminal Code

Abstract: The criminal liability of the legal person is a relatively new institution in the Romanian
criminal law. There is no rich jurisprudence in this respect, due to the fact that only in
2006, by the amendment of the Criminal Code, was it possible that legal persons might
become criminally liable and be punished for committing offences. The criminal liability of the legal person does not exclude the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 146

Consideraţii privind efectele deciziilor Curţii Constituţionale, din perspectiva soluţiilor pronunţate după intrarea în vigoare a noului Cod penal şi a Codului de procedură penală

Autor: Monica BUZEA

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Supliment 2015

Disponibil online: aici.

Considerations on the effects of Constitutional Court decisions in terms of solutions passed after the entry into force of the new Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code

Abstract: Changes to criminal law and criminal procedure and referral led Romanian Constitutional Court, the unconstitutionality, to perform testing. Establish consequences tying effect of Constitutional Court decisions generally applicable for the future is inseparable from the distinction between decisions admission and rejection of the simple and intermediate consequence initial suspension within 45 days and in particular the obligation of Parliament or the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 138

Unele consideraţii privind incriminarea spam-ului la nivel internaţional

Autor: Adrian Cristian MOISE

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 2/2015

Disponibil online: aici.

A few considerations on the criminalization of Spamat international level

Abstract: In this study is carried out an analysis regarding criminalization of spam at international level. Starting from the definition of spam, first of all is analysed the problem if spam or unsolicited message could be criminalized by the provisions of article 5 of the Council of Europe Convention on cybercrime, as spam may overload the computer system functioning. Moreover, the study presents and analyzes spam regulation in the legislation of the United States of [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 115

Termeni juridici vechi şi noi din domeniul ştiinţelor penale neincluşi în dicţionareale limbii române

Autor: Teodor SÂMBRIAN

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 2/2015

Disponibil online: aici.

New and old legal terms from criminal sciences field not included in the Romanian language dictionaries

Cuvinte-cheie: termeni juridici; științe penale; termeni neincluși în dicționarul limbii române. …

[vezi tot]
0 Vizualizări 104

One example for the legal system stability: the criminal protection of defence counsel and other lawyers in the criminal procedure

Autor: Fenyvesi CSABA
Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 2/2015
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: The general position of (protection of) the defence counsel does not need an urgent discussion, but at the same time there are signs which refer to that we have to consult in this topic and it can not be excluded that this issue will be more and more actual in the future.

Keywords: system stability; criminal procedure; defence counsel; criminal protection. …

[vezi tot]
0 Vizualizări 107

Eficiența ca obiectiv și provocare a sistemului responsabilității penale

Autor: Mãdãlina-Cristina DÃNIȘOR (PUTINEI)
Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice Nr. 1/2015 Număr aniversar prof. univ. dr. Gh. Dănișor
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: The new objective declared and imposed by those conceiving the system of criminal repression and also by its subjects seems to be the efficiency of the State’s activities. Thus the efficiency is the central point of the analysis of the criminal responsibility system and in the same time it’s most pronounced vulnerability. We can argue the fact that societies are now centered on achieving the [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 118

Marea Unire, premisă a uniformizării Dreptului penal

Autor: Tudorel TOADER, Marieta SAFTA

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 2/2018

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The Great Union, Premise for the Unification of the Criminal Law

Abstract: The existence and prosperity of any State is incompatible with the heterogeneous character of the internal public law. That is why all legislators of Greater Romania aimed to unify first of all our public law. Starting with the Constitution, following by administrative law and electoral law, it is obvious that the work of unifying our public law includes also such an important domain as criminal law. It is difficult to conceive that in a unitary state [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 145

Semnificațiile scopului în conținutul incriminării

Autor: Elisabeta BOȚIAN

Publicat în: Revista de Științe Juridice nr. 2/2019

Disponibil onlineaici.

Meanings of purpose in the content of the offense

Abstract: Motive and purpose are psychic affective processes that the legislator rarely values in the content of the offense. Criminal liability of a person is founded on guilty psychic processes which are more stable and easier to prove. In criminal law we can identify cases in which the legislator considers that some human actions are breaking the law order, only if they are committed with certain reasons or certain purposes. In other cases, the certain motive/purpose of the offender will lead [vezi tot]

0 Vizualizări 114