Autor: Iulia POPESCU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2019
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: Every democratic society seeks to create a stable environment for its members, trying to identify the needs of citizens, in all aspects, creating legal norms to ensure the proper functioning of society as a whole is one of the needs. The family as an institution, but also as a form of people’s approach, requires maintaining a balance in the family relations, a desideratum pursued by both society and its members. Situations where a family member is deprived of liberty following a final court decision raise various questions about the family situation and the links between the family and the person in custody. The European states, as well as Canada, have recognized the importance of the family in the life of a person deprived of liberty by adopting rules in the field of penitentiary that contribute to the desideratum of the proper functioning of the family. But these rules also present, carefully scrutinized.
Keywords: family; convicted; Canada; European states; rules.