Materiale asemănătoare
- Measures to solve prison overcrowding and improve detention conditions
- Legalitatea limitării exercitării dreptului persoanelor private de libertate la primirea, cumpărarea, folosirea sau deținerea unor categorii de alimente
- The concept of social reintegration in Romania after 1989
- European and Canadian provisions on keeping contact between the person deprived of his liberty and his family, differences and similarities
- Efectuarea convorbirilor telefonice din penitenciar, de către persoanele condamnate – de la vocație la exercițiu
Autor: Constantin Marc NEAGU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2019
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: This paper mainly aims at pointing to the criteria that make a detainee be eligible for re-socialisation. In addition to this, we distinguish between negative re-socialization, when the expected result is not obtained, and positive re-socialization, when the ultimate goal is successfully accomplished. Moreover the definition of re-socialization is provided to better understand this concept.
Keywords: re-socialization; reinsertion; recovery; positive; negative.