Autor: Dragan OBRADOVIĆ
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2018
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Abstract: Road traffic is increasingly more intense worldwide. With the increase in the quality of life in some countries, the volume of traffic has also increased. Consequently, the risks are increasing for all traffic participants, and especially for the vulnerable categories such as children and minors. The media can play a great role in increasing traffic safety awareness – all kinds of media outlets and on all levels in a wide variety of ways by pointing to specific problems, to black spots on the roads, the importance of the proper use of seat belts, the suitable use of mobile phones, and a number of other situations that can endanger the lives of traffic participants. Nowadays, the media are an integral part of almost every family through various forms of use, and therefore media outlets can contribute to the increased safety of all traffic participants, especially minors.
Keywords: crimes; juveniles; minors; traffic accidents; the media.