Autor: Denisa SILIVESTRU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2016

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Rezumat: Cu peste 2500 de ani în urmă, în Grecia antică, așadar în leagănul democrației, se enunța un principiu care a fost preluat de filosoful Socrates în celebrul său citat: „CUNOAȘTE-TE PE TINE ÎNSUȚI” (ΓΝΩΘΙΣ ΑΥΤΟΝ). Dincolo de milenii, a rămas la fel de veridic precum și ideea statului de drept bazat pe voința societății – astfel cum a fost adus în ființa publică de reformatorii Dracon, Solon, Clistene – spre folosul exclusiv al individului (antropocentric), ca membru al unei societăți dacă nu ideale, ca în Republica lui Platon, cel puțin îndreptate către principii.

Cuvinte-cheie: justiţie democratică; procuror.

Titlul lucrării în engleză: The role of the prosecutor in the democratic justice or who we are

Abstract: Coming from a past that made a huge statement for mankind, in order to define humanity by its rights and thus, to ease our path through time, democracy has also burdened us with the most difficult task, and that is interpreting it. In complete awareness, democratic societies did not take this enormous asset for granted but in return, they eased its path through the modern realities and laid the foundations of modern democracy. In doing so, the state has established the three pillars of democracy – the law, the institutions of law and the spirit of democracy. The latter is not to be seen but at the same time is the most visible. This is the burden of eyes, to see beyond them.

Being stated that democracy is the greatest asset of humankind, this study is about the spirit of democracy, and that is rightness. Rightness is given to society by the state under the form of justice and justice has the duty of being perfectly balanced. This study emphasizes that the scales of justice must lean on both sides equally and since justice is represented by magistrates and the magistracy body is rightly and lawfully represented by judges and prosecutors, therefore, there must always be two sides of the scale in order to balance equitably.

Consequently, the prosecutor stands for justice and thus, the prosecutor stands for democracy.

This study is about who we are and what we represent.

Keywords:  democracy; justice; magistracy; the prosecutor stands for justice.