Autor: Nenad RADOVIĆ, Aleksandar BOŠKOVIĆ, Zoran PAVLOVIĆ
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2016
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Abstract: Trafficking in human beings is a serious and very complex social problem. In the last fifteen years the international community has undertaken a number of significant steps in confronting this phenomenon. First, in the United Nations Convention against transnational crime i.e. in its additional protocol which refers to the prevention and combating trafficking in human beings, an Institute for trafficking in human beings was set which helped greatly to the certain countries to designate and identify this phenomenon in their national legislation as a criminal offense which carries an appropriate penalty. Second, the countries were instructed to adopt national strategies whose goals are preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, as well as informing the public i.e. potential victims of this phenomenon through a variety of activities, and through education and training of prevention programs. Without adequate data on trafficking in human beings it is not possible to determine the true scope and nature of the problem. The authors of this paper try to analyse the current state of trafficking in human beings in the world, and above all provide statistical overview of criminal offenses of trafficking committed in the territory of the Republic of Serbia for a certain period.
Keywords: trafficking in human beings; a victim, organized crime groups; the Republic of Serbia.