Autor: Osman JAŠAREVIĆ
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2015
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Abstract: The article „Strategic planning and directing the fight against economic crime”, deals with the question, how to observe on the right time some of the phenomenal forms of economic crime. Saterland marks it as „white collar crime” (White Collar Criminality), the one that makes the wealthy class and that is punishable in terms of criminal law. Despite the fact that the definition of Saterland is still ongoing, Bunić points out that economic crime has changed over time, evolved, and individual acts of economic crime can be committed not only by the higher socioeconomic level, but also by poor people, the unemployed ones and so on. That is to say that the status of the amended situation, knowledge and other elements, shoed that a person who is not a director or owner of a company, can empty the bank account of one citizen, one company, even of one country.
Keywords: economic crime; strategy; struggle; repression; prevention.